Oferta dla studentów i absolwentów studiów II stopnia kierunku Technologia Żywności i Żywienie Człowieka

Grupa ESA i Lactalis poszukują studentów ostatniego roku studiów II stopnia kierunku Technologia Żywności i Żywienie Człowieka lub absolwentów tego kierunku. Propozycja skierowana jest przede wszystkim do osób związanych z technologią mleka i mających nie więcej niż 26 lat (w październiku 2014) . Wyselekcjonowani kandydaci przez okres 2-lat będą studiować w Wyższej Szkole Rolno-Spożywczej w Angers i jednocześnie odbywać praktyki w fabrykach Lactalis we Francji.


I²FA  is fully sponsored by French companies who wish to train "locals"  to work as managers in their international subsidiaries.  As expatriation  of French managers is highly expensive  and complicated for multiple reasons,  international companies  prefer to hire local  people to run their  off-shore operations.  It is   this recruitment need is at the heart of this program. 


 I²FA has existed for 12  years and we have graduated over 160 students from 22 different countries for over 30 companies.   All tuition, travel  and  health insurance costs are fully covered by the sponsoring company.  The program is in French – however knowledge of the French language is NOT a requirement to enter the program as the sponsoring company will finance the cost of 6 months of intensive French lessons before the start of the program.   

The successful applicants sign a work contract with the sponsoring company and enjoy the status of an apprentice here in France.  They earn an salary of approximately 1000€ per month – which is adequate to cover all their living expenses here. In view of the financial and human investment  in the program  the students are expected to make a commitment  to work for the sponsoring company  for a minimum of 2 years at the end of the program.  I²FA is best understood  as a 4-5year life/professional  experience consisting  of 2.5 years of training in France followed by a first job in a management position in the sponsoring company ‘s subsidiary in the home country for a minimum of 2 years  – and hopefully much longer! And in addition the successful graduates earn an internationally recognized MSc from Groupe ESA – for free.


Lactalis/DUKAT  have requested that we recruit another Polish  student as they need managers,  in their Production units for their Polish  operations. 


We are looking to recruit students with the following profile:


1   Final year  MSc Food Science   students or recent  graduates 

2.  Motivated by industry  – particularly by Dairy Production

3.  Interested in coming to France for 2.5 years of high quality training 


4.  Age limit:  26 in October 2014


Candidates must  enjoy challenges and be prepared to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture.


Application procedures:  

Applications online to Groupe ESA at http://olage.groupe-esa.com

Click : I²FA program: Engineer-Master’s Degree – Sandwich Course :Company Sponsored

Deadline:  21st march  2014



The selection process is in two steps.  Groupe ESA will examine  applications and will contact candidates for a first interview in English by one of their team.  If Groupe ESA decides the candidature is solid  we  pass the file  on to the company. Groupe ESA will arrange company interviews in Poland  in  the Spring.  The company makes the final choice. The program begins in July 2014 for those who need French lessons and late August 2014 for French speakers.


Attachments: File1, File2, File3