Fall semester:

1. Stages of embryonic development, formation of gonads in bird and mammal.

2. Gametogenesis: oogenesis in mammals and birds, primary and secondary egg membranes, spermatogenesis and hormonal regulation, a structure of spermatozoid and comparison of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

3. Sexual cycle (prooestrus, oestrus, metoestrus, dioestrus) and hormonal regulation.

4. Internal and external insemination, fertilization in mammals: spermatozoid capacitation, acrosome reaction, block to polyspermic fertilization, karyogamy, fertilization in birds – physiological polyspermia

5. Cleavage, types of cleavages depending on types of eggs.

6. Gastrulation in birds.

7. Formation of primary organs in birds: neural tube, neural crest, surface ectoderm, somites, nephrotomeres, lateral mesoderm

8. Embryonal development mechanisms: morphogenetic movements, embryonic induction, effect of genes, embryonic regulation, morphogenetic regulation – apoptosis.

9. Congenital defects. Formation of final organs in bird embryo.

10. Formation of fetal membranes in birds and their functions: yolk sac, amnion, allantois and allantoic circulation, chorion.

11. Embryonal development in mammals: embryonic and foetal, preimplantation and postimplantation period.

12. Cleavage in mammalian embryos: morula, blastula, blastocyst.

13. Gastrulation of mammalian embryo.

14. Primaty organs in mammals: neural tube, neural crist, surface ectoderm, somites, nephrotomeres, lateral bilaminar mesoderm

15. Organogenesis in mammalian embryo – formation of sclerotomes, dermatomes, myotomes and their differentiation, formation of kidneys from nephrotomes, surface ectoderm and neuroectoderm differentiation (formation of brain, spinal cord, ganglions), digestive system development form endoderm, development of blood vessels and heart of mammals.

Spring semester:

16. Foetal membranes and their functions in mammals: yolk sac, yolk circulation, amnion formation, chorion and its types, amnion and its circulation. Umbilical cord, monoovular and biovular twins.

17. Types of uterus: uterus duplex, uterus bipartite, uterus bicornulate, uterus simplex.

18. Implantation in mammals: superficial, interstitial, different locations of the blastocyst in uterus (middle, eccentric), bastodisc orientation (mesometrial, antimesometrial, orthomesometrial). Hormonal preparation of the uterus for implantation and the course of implantation.

19. Placenta, classification (vitelline, choriovitelline, chorioallantoic), placenta spuria, placenta decidualis, placenta diffuse, cotyledonary placenta, zonary placenta, discoid placenta.

20. Types of placenta according to placental barrier: epitheliochorial, syndesmochorial, haemochorial, haemoendothelial.

21. Functions of placenta: nutritional, respiratory, excretory, endocrine, immunological, fructogenic and glycogenic placenta

22. Pig’s placenta.

23. Horse’s placenta.

24. Ruminants’ placenta

25. Carnivores’ placenta.

26. Digestive system: structure and functions of liver and pancreas.

27. Respiratory system: nasal cavity, throat, larynx, trachea, lung construction (bronchial and alveolar tree, gas exchange, pulmonary vascularization).

28. Excretory system: kidney and kidney types, nephrons, juxtaglomerular apparatus, urinary processes, urinary tract.

29. Endocrine system: pituitary gland, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pineal organ, single-celled endocrine glands.

30. Integument. Structure and functions of: skin, hair, skin glands. Development, structure and function of the mammary gland, histological structure of the hoof.

Classes in Histology and Embryology in the spring semester of the academic year 2019/2020 will take place:

Lectures – room 236 Collegium Veterinarium, Fridays 8.15-9.45

Classes – classroom 236 Collegium Veterinarium, Tuesdays 8.00-9.30 according to a plan:



Cardio-vascular system


Lymphatic system


Alimentary system – Oral cavity. (13,14,15 test)


Salivary glands


Oesophagus and ruminants’ forestomach


Stomach of birds and mammals. (16,17,18 test)


Small and large intestines


Large alimentary glands


Respiratory system. (19,20,21 test)


Urinary system


Male reproductive system


Female reproductive system


Endocrine system. (22,23,24,25 test)


Integumentary system

Recommended literature:

1. Eurell J.A., Frappier B.L. Dellmann’s Textbook of Veterinary Histology. Blackwell Publishing 2006.

2. Bacha W.J., Bacha L.M. Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology. Wiley Blackwell 2012.

3. McGeady T.A. et. al. Veterinary Embryology. Wiley Blackwell 2017.

4. Hyttel P., Sinowatz F., Vejlsted M. Essentials of domestic animal embryology. Edinburgh [etc.] : Saunders Elsevier, 2016.