3rd International PhD Students’ Conference: Environment-Plant-Animal-Product together with the International Workshops at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
    - abstract submission form

    All fields in the form are required.

    Information according to the formula below will be published in the electronic book of abstracts, so please fill in carefully. Pattern: 1. Jan Kowalski; XYZ Department, XYZ Faculty, XYZ University; street, postal code, city, country; 2. Anna Kowalska; XYZ Department, XYZ Faculty, XYZ University, etc.

    First name and last name of corresponding author and e-mail address.

    Pease provide 3-5 keywords.

    - the length of one abstract is 1500 to 2500 characters with spaces (do not paste the title, authors and their affiliations here)
    - the abstract should be written in an impersonal and perfected form
    - the abstract should not contain a bibliography
    - the abstract in the given form will be placed in the electronic book of abstracts.

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