Veterinary Hospital of the Catholic University of Valencia zaprasza studentów Weterynarii do aplikowania na praktyki w ramach programu Erasmus+.

Długość praktyk – minimum 8, 12 albo 16 tygodni w okresie pomiędzy 1 stycznia i 31 sierpnia 2024
Wymagania językowe – hiszpański (minimum B1)
Termin aplikacji – od 1 listopada do 31 listopada 2023

Dokumenty zgłoszeniowe należy złożyć w Biurze Mobilności Akademickiej do 20 listopada 2023.

Prosimy o określenie wybranego terminu praktyk w dokumentach zgłoszeniowych.
Po zakończonej rekrutacji na praktyki w UVC Veterinary Hospital Biuro Mobilości Akademickiej nominuje zaakceptowanych studentów.

Poniżej informacje od gospodarza praktyk:
“We would like to invite you to nominate your students for internships at the Veterinary Hospital of the Catholic University of Valencia. We still have places available for the 2nd semester of the academic year 23/24 January 1 to August 31, 2024).
The UCV Veterinary Hospital located in Valencia, Spain, offers the opportunity to do internships in its facilities to veterinary students in their final years and recent graduates.
Our establishment is a veterinary hospital with 24/365 emergencies that offers a complete multidisciplinary service of excellence in a pleasant and cooperative environment. Our professionals, specialists in their sector, have at their disposal facilities and state-of-the-art equipment, which allows them to apply their knowledge with the best cutting-edge techniques. The internship will consist of close involvement in the operation of the clinic, including participation (under the supervision of teaching clinicians) in the examination, care and follow-up of cases admitted for consultation, procedures and hospitalization in clinical seminars/rounds organized by the services of day and night emergencies, internal medicine, surgery, anaesthesia, neurology, ophthalmology and laboratory, cardiology, diagnostic imaging.
Admission requirements:
➢ Be a student of a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, at least on the 3rd year of studies, at a university with a collaboration agreement with UCV
➢ Commit to a minimum period of 8 weeks or 12 weeks or 16 weeks. Practices will always start on a Monday
➢ The student must have a medium level of Spanish (B1) to facilitate the integration into clinical activities
During the admission procedure the student will also need to submit obligatory insurance documents: European Health Card and a private insurance with a proper coverage.”

Zapraszamy do aplikowania!

Biuro Mobilności Akademickiej
Budynek Biblioteki Głównej UP w Lublinie
pokój. 309