Zaproszenie na konferencję naukową FuNaM-4 organizowaną przez Wydział Chemii UJ

Dear Colleagues, 

we would like to invite you to participate in 4th International Workshop on Functional Nanostructured Materials (FuNaM-4). The Conference will take place in Cracow at the Faculty of Chemistry from the 26th to the 29th of September. As usual, the Conference will be divided into three topical sessions: 

  1. Nanostructured biomaterials (invited speakers: Marta Alves – Portugal, Wojciech Simka – Poland, and Agnieszka Kyzioł – Poland) 
  2. Nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage (invited speakers: Camelia Matei Ghimbeu – France, Kostiantyn Kravchyk – Switzerland, and Krzysztof Fic – Poland) 
  3. Synthesis and applications of nanomaterials (invited speakers: Joanna Ortyl – Poland, Joanna Niedziółka-Jönsson – Poland, Katarzyna Matras-Postołek – Poland) 

Additionally, we will have two workshops: 

1.     Workshop on scientific writing led by Monika Gołda-Cępa (managing editor at Applied Surface Science) – this workshop is dedicated only to young scientists (up to 35 yrs) and is upon registration with limited capacity (up to 20 people)! 

From zero to hero! Workshop on scientific writing and publishing for early-career researchers 

2.     Electrochemical workshop led by Jerome Babauta (from Gamry, USA) 

Practical aspects of electrochemical techniques used in various types of experiments

Moreover, two tours will be organized – visiting the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre and the Jagiellonian University Museum combined with the short sightseeing of the town. 

The abstract submission deadline is May 31st

More info on the Conference may be found on our website ( and in social media.  

I would like to ask you to spread the word about the event to your students and colleagues, and I hope we will see you at the Conference.

Yours sincerely,
Organizing Committee
