The 9 International Scientific-Technical Conference

The conference is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the International Academic Partnerships Programme
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 9th Scientific-Technical Conference “Environmental Engineering, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics – Modern Technologies and Development Perspectives" we would like to invite you to Lublin. Lublin is an academic city with 11 scientific institutions with students from all over the world. The first conference was organized in 1997 and since then it has been taking place in different locations in Ukraine and Poland. The idea of organizing the current edition of conference arose on the base of well-established cooperation of seven universities: from Poland (Lublin, Kraków, Opole), Ukraine (Lviv), Portugal (Beja), Moldova (Chisinau) and Germany (Stuttgart).
We hope that our conference will be an opportunity to continue discussion about the problems concerning water and wastewater treatment, renewable energy sources, waste management, landscape protection, circular economy, water, soil and air protection, as well as photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy, cadastre, cartography and geoinformatics. We are convinced there is a need for such a discussion among scientists, engineers, environmentalists, managers, consultants and officials of different sectors.
We believe that the cooperation will be developed in order to realise joint research and implementation projects carried out by interdisciplinary teams from a variety of research units and business environments. Most of all our key issue is the exchange of thoughts and experiences during the conference towards improvement of state of the environment and of the spatial structure of rural and urban areas.
We hope that the presentation of the most recent scientific accomplishments in the area of environmental engineering, photogrammetry and geoinformatics will be transferred into practise and will contribute not only to the improvement of peoples well-being, but it shall also let us elaborate the effective methods of environmental resources management according to idea of the sustainable development.