9th International PhD Students and Young Scientists R&D Conference

9th International PhD Students and Young Scientists R&D Conference "Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology"

On behalf of Foundation for Young Scientists and Warsaw University of Technology PhD Students Board, we would like to invite you to participate in 9th International PhD Students and Young Scientists R&D Conference Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology. The conference will be held at Warsaw University of Technology on September 22nd-24th, 2014.

Taking into consideration all your comments this year we decided to introduce some changes. We want to use our experience and give unique character to the conference. So this year we present:
• New website and registration system,
• Easier invoice system,

We would like to inform you that early bird registration deadline is May 31th (the conference fee is 300 PLN or 90 €). The final registration and fee payment deadline is July 31st (the conference fee is 400 PLN or 100 €). There is also a special payment offer for the PhD students from the Warsaw University of Technology and members of the IEEE.

We invite you to use our registration system which has just been opened. We encourage you to visit the conference website, where you can find more detailed information and the registration form:http://www.conference.young-scientists.eu/. You can also find us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Young.Scientists.Conference.

We would be very grateful if you could pass on this information about Young Scientists Conference to those whom it may concern.

All of the submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the members of the Scientific Board of the journal Challenges of Modern Technology (ISSN 2082-2863, http://journal.young-scientists.eu/), which presents contribution of young scientists to development of particular areas of science. It should be added that over 60% of the members of the journal’s Scientific Board are from universities outside of Poland. The journal is on the B list of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and has currently 6 points.

The papers accepted after a formal review and peer review of 2 independent experts will be published in the journal. Therefore all of the papers that are expected to be published in the journal should be prepared as scientific articles in accordance to instructions for authors that you can find on the journals’ website (http://journal.young-scientists.eu/, For Authors).

Join us in September!


Artur Badyda,
President of Foundation for Young Scientists

Anna Gayer,
Chair of Warsaw University of Technology PhD Students Board