Rector’s announcement on preventive measures against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection
Statement of the Rector of University of Life Sciences in Lublin
issued on 6 March 2020
on preventive measures against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection
1. Referring to the announcement of an international public health emergency and because of the risk of a SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, all international visits of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students as well as university employees to and from countries listed in the document issued by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (CSI, pl. Główny Inspektorat Sanitarny, list available here) have been suspended with immediate effect until further notice.
2. Those undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students as well as university employees who returned or are returnig to Poland from the countries listed in the aforementioned document of CSI, are required to stay at home for a period of 14 days after their arrival and work and/or study remotely. The head of the relevant department, faculty or administrative manager must be notified of the fact via e-mail (to the e-mail address provied on the University website).
are relieved of their duties at university: respectively, attending courses and teaching, for a period of 14 days after their arrival. The academic programmes should be conducted, where possible, in the form of remote work. They will be able to catch up with any delays later following further arrangements made by the deans or heads of particular teaching units. Those members of non-academic staff who have remotely informed their superiors that they visited the countries listed by CSI, will be requested to work remotely for a period of 14 days. Their direct superiors should decide on the form of activities and their execution mode.
3. It is recommended that all university-wide, department and sporting events as well as scientific conferences be – if possible – cancelled or postponed.
4. It is recalled that in any case of suspicion of coronavirus infection, one should contact the component Provincial Sanitary an Epidemiological Station and go directly to the nearest infectious diseases ward (not to a hospital emergency ward or general praticioner office).
5. It is advised to follow CSI announcements (published on their website) on the current state of affair and to comply with their recommendation.
Rector of the Univeristy of Life Scienes in Lublin
Prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Litwińczuk