Lublin for foreigners – participatory cafe

Dear Erasmus students!

Take part in a participatory cafe!

Participatory cafe is a space created by those who are open to talk and exchange experience and inspiration. If you are interested in the future of Lublin, then the invitation to join a series of events about Lublin of our dreams is for you! Open meetings, workshops, trainings and debates will be held to find out what your dreams for the future of our city are. The ideas and visions collected through these events will serve as useful material to shape Lublin’s strategy 2030.

The first of 17 events is called “Lublin for All: foreigners in the city”. We will discuss, together with the representatives of non-native inhabitants of Lublin, an ideal city for everyone. Everyone is welcome: foreign students, people attending schools and working in Lublin, families and those who simply chose Lublin to be their place of residence, but came here from another country. We want to ask you what you find important in Lublin, what works well and what needs to be improved in order to make Lublin a perfect place to live. We will focus on four areas: education, work, safety and integration with local community. Your input together with other residents’ visions will be included into Lublin’s strategy 2030. The meeting will be transleted to/from English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Topic: “Lublin for All foreigners in the city”

Date: 27 November 2019, 6:00-8:00 PM

Venue: Galeria Labirynt in Lublin, 5, Popiełuszki Street

We are kindly inviting you to participate!  The meeting is open for all and absolutely free of charge. Please be kind enough to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues!


Homo Faber Association