Erasmus video and photo contest

Polish Tourist Organisation has announced the second edition of Photo and Video Contest for Erasmus students currently studying in Poland. It starts on 26th March and ends on 21st May, at 12.00.


What do you have to do to take part?

1.Make a video or take a photo promoting Poland in Europe.

2.Publish your photo or a video in a popular social media with a hashtag #ErasmusPolandTravel and fill in a quick form that will be sent to you in a private text message.



There will be 13 students selected for the prizes according to 5 categories:

The main prize is for the best video

#CitiesOfPoland – 3 best photos

#NatureOfPoland – 3 best photos

#FoodOfPoland – 3  best photos

#ActivitiesInPoland – 3 best photos



What will the winners get?

Stays in attractive places in Poland and a selection of tourist gadgets