Artur Kraszkiewicz 
The influence of the physical and chemical properties of plant-based biofuels on the emission of combustion products and the energy efficiency 
zeszyt 386, ss. 188
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the influence of the physical and chemical properties of plant-base biofuels (of various types and geometrical shaped) on the process and emission of combustion products, as well as on the energy efficiency of low-power heating equipment. 
For the purposes of this study the author isolated 30 biofuels derived from 6 different types of plant raw material. Grouped according to the analysed form, the isolated material included primary energy raw materials, pellets and three types of briquette (A, B and C). The raw material came from agriculture (straw and hay) and forestry (wood). It is important to note that the compressed forms were produced from the same type of raw material. In accordance with the test conditions the biofuels were characterised with regard to their chemical and physical features. Also, certain parameters of their combustion and combustion products were analysed.
While analysing the results the author selected and examined two data blocks as individual groups. At the same time he recognised the links between those groups. The results of the final analyses are connected with the initial assumptions concerning the influence of the physical and chemical properties of plant-based biofuels on the combustion process and the combustion products, as well as their energy efficiency. 
The practical figures concerning the main and specific objectives of this paper are based on obtaining data which will enable us to select the components and parameters of the fuel production process, which will not only directly influence the biomass energy content but also improve the ecological and energy efficiency of heating devices which utilise biomass. The results of the study might prove to be useful in designing devices for biomass forming in order to create the desired physical and chemical features, as well as in the designing and certification of low-power heating devices.
Under the test conditions the use of the analysed raw material by the low-power heating equipment depended on the type of biomass used. Dendromass shows more favourable features than other plant-based fuels. But the form of the biomass is also relevant to the results. During combustion on a grate the biofuels with a smaller surface area exhibit the most favourable characteristics with regard to decreasing emissions and the improvement in combustion efficiency, together with an increase in combustion time. The last parameter is connected with density. The combustion methods should be adjusted so as to initiate the combustion process, and not only the degassing of the volatile elements.
With the use of the appropriate forms of compressed fuels in the low-power heating devices one can derive the basis for the energy efficient and ecological process of biomass combustion. The recommendations proposed in the conclusion of the study fit in with the concept of sustained growth, and have social priority.