10th International Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students

Dear Students,
We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming 10th International Scientific Conference of Veterinary Medicine Students, where young researchers like yourselves will have the opportunity to present and discuss your work, exchange ideas, and connect with peers from across the field of veterinary science!
Save the Date!
🗓️ Conference Date: May 10-11, 2025
In the coming weeks, we will share more information regarding the conference details, registration process, and invited speakers specializing in various areas of veterinary science. For now, we encourage you to start preparing your research topics, presentations, or posters to showcase at the event.
This is a fantastic platform for all participants to contribute to the veterinary community, gain invaluable feedback, and further their academic and professional development.
As in previous years, you have the option to participate either as a passive participant (listener only) or as an active participant (presenting results of research). You may present your research as an oral or poster presentation. For PhD students, there will also be a dedicated session.
Stay tuned for more updates. We look forward to seeing the incredible work you’ll bring to this year’s conference!
💻 Facebook event: 
If it is possible we would like to ask to share this information with Students. It would be our pleasure to meet you in Warsaw
Warm regards,
Organizing Committee of the  
10th International Scientific Conference
of Veterinary Medicine Students