Animal anatomy 1 | Animal anatomy 1 |
Biology | Biology |
Biophysics | Biophysics |
Cell biology | Cell biology |
Chemistry | Chemistry |
Foreign Language 1 | Foreign Language 1 |
Histology and embrolgy 1 | Histology and embryology 1 |
Information Technologies | Information Technologies |
Latin | Latin |
Philosophy | Philosophy |
Physical Education | Physical Education |
The use of animals in scientific experiments | The use of animals in scientific experiments |
Work safety and Ergonomics | Work Safety and Ergonomics |
Agronomy | Agronomy |
Animal anatomy 2 | Anatomia zwierząt 2 |
Biochemistry 1 | Biochemistry 1 |
Biostatistics and methods of documentation | Biostatistics and methods of documentation |
Enviromental Protection | Environmental Protection |
Ethics | Ethics |
Foreign Language 2 | Foreign Language 2 |
General and veterinary genetics | General and veterinary genetics |
Histology and embriology 2 | Histology and embryology 2 |
History of Veterinary medicine and deontology | History of Veterinary medicine and deontology |
Intelectual property protection | Intellectual property protection |
Latin 2 | Latin 2 |
Physical Education 2 | Physical Education 2 |
Animal anatomy 3 | Animal anatomy 3 |
Animal nutrition and feedingstuffs | Animal nutrition and feedingstuffs |
Animal physiology 1 | Animal physiology 1 |
Biochemistry 2 | Biochemistry 2 |
Farming of animals | Farming of animals |
Foreign Language 3 | Foreign Language 3 |
Technology in animal production | Technology in animal production |
Veterinary economics | Veterinary economics |
Animal physiology 2 | Animal physiology 2 |
Breeding practice | Breeding practice |
Ethiology | Ethology |
Foreign Language 4 | Foreign Language 4 |
Immunology | Immunology |
Microbiology | Microbiology 1 |
Topographic Anatomy | Topographic Anatomy |
Veterinary Epidemiology | Veterinary Epidemiology |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 1 | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 1 |
Interpersonal communication | Interpersonal communication |
Microbiology 2 | Microbiology 2 |
Pathophysiology 1 | Pathophysiology 1 |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Public health | Public health |
Veterinary pharmacology 1 | Veterinary pharmacology 1 |
Anaesthesiology | Anaesthesiology |
Animal feed hygiene | Animal feed hygiene |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 |
Diseases of beneficial insects | Diseases of beneficial insects |
General surgery | General surgery |
Pathomorphology 2 | Pathomorphology 1 |
Veterinary parasitology | Veterinary parasitology 1 |
Veterinary pharmacology 2 | Veterinary pharmacology 2 |
Diseases of amphibans | Diseases of amphibians |
Diseases of horses. Block I | Diseases of horses. Block I |
Internship – parasitology | Internship –parasitology |
Milk hygiene | Milk hygiene |
Pathomophology 2 | Pathomorphology 2 |
Veterinary parasitology 2 | Pathomorphology 2 |
Veterinary Toxicology | Veterinary Toxicology |
Zoonoses | Zoonoses |
Clinical training after VIII term | Clinical training after VIII term |
Diseases of farm animals. Block I | Dis farm animals. Block I |
Diseases of fur animals | Diseases of fur animals |
Diseases of horses. Block II | Diseases of horses. Block II |
Fish diseases | Fish diseases |
Hygiene of slaughter animals 2 | Hygiene of slaughter animals 2 |
Pathomorphology 3 | Pathomorphology 3 |
Veterinary Inspection Practice 1 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 1 |
Andrlogy and Artificial Insemination | Andrology and Artificial Insemination |
Diseases of birds 1 | Diseases of birds 1 |
Diseases of dogs ad cats. Block I | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 1 |
Diseases of farm animals. Block II | Diseases of farm animals. Block II |
Food hygiene of animal origin 1 | Food hygiene of animal origin 1 |
Forensic veterinary Medicine | Forensic veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Dietetics | Veterinary Dietetics |
Veterinary Prevention 1 | Veterinary Prevention 1 |
Cinical training after X term | Clinical training after X term |
Diseases of birds 2 | Diseases of birds 2 |
Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 1 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 1 |
Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training Block I | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block I |
Diseases of horses – clinical training. Block I | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block I |
Food hygiene of animal origin 2l | Food hygiene of animal origin 2 |
Veterinary Inspections Practice 2 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 2 |
Veterinary Prevention 2 | Veterinary Prevention 2 |
Administration and veterinary law | Administration and veterinary law |
Diseases of birds – practical training | Diseases of birds -practical training |
Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II |
Diseases of horses – clinical training. Block II | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block II |
Free-living animals diseases of local and exotic spieces | Free-living animals diseases of local and exotic species |
Herd health managment | Herd health management |
Academic savoir vivre | Academic savoir vivre |
Animal behavourism | Animal behaviourism |
Aquarstics | Aquaristics |
Elements of neurobiology | Elements of neurobiology |
First aid | First aid |
Herpetology with elements of herpetoculture | Herpetology with elements of herpetoculture |
Animal genetic diseases | Animal genetic diseases |
Avian physiology and anatomy | Avian physiology and anat |
Biomedical genetics | Biomedical genetics |
Clinical physiology | Clinical physiology |
Information and communication technologies as a tool for professional development | Information and commun |
Utility of molecular biology techniques in veterinary studies and veterinary diagnostics | Utility of molecular biolo |
Endocrinology | Endocrinology |
Exercise physiology | Exercise physiology |
Neurophysiolgy | Neurophysiology |
Physiology of non-domestic and exotic aimals | Physiology of non-domestic |
Physiology of postnatal animal development | Physiology of postnatal |
Surgical anatomy | Surgical anatomy |
Basic of law theory | Basics of law theory |
Biomatrials | Biomaterials |
Breeding and disases of Ratitae birds | Breed and dis of Ratitae b |
Gentic modificaton and gene therapy | Genetic modification |
Marketing and management | Marketing and management |
Behavioral disorders of dogs and cats | Behavioral disorders |
Clinical pharmacology | Clinical pharmacology |
First contact with the patient in the clinic for smal animals | First contact with the patient |
Laboratory Haematology | Laboratory Haematology |
Neoplastic transformations in animals | Neoplastic transformations |
Plant substances in prevetion and therapy of animals | Plant substances in prevention |
Diseases of aquatic invertebrates | Diseases of aquatic invertebrates |
Diseases of laboratory animals | Diseases of laboratory animals |
Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial therapy in animals | Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial |
Toxicological Laboratory Analysis | Toxicological Laboratory Analysis |
Veterinary mycology | Veterinary mycology |
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery | Clinical neurology and neurosurgery |
Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology | Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology |
Diagnostic Imaging in Horses | Diagnostic Imaging in Horses |
Diagnostc imaging of exotic pets | Diagnostic imaging of exotic pets |
Emergency relief in life–threatening of animals | Emergency relief in life-threatening of animals |
Equine sports medicine | Equine sports medicine |
Experimental surgery | Experimental surgery |
Veterinary oncology | Veterinary oncology |
Canine and feline echocardiography in practice | Canine and feline echocardiography in practice |
Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases | Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases |
Clinical endocrinology | Clinical endocrinology |
Current problems of modern buiatry | Current problems of modern buiatry |
Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology | Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology |
Maxilloffacial Surgery | Maxillofacial Surgery |
Metabolic diseases of farm animals | Metabolic diseases of farm animals |
Veterinary geriatrics | Veterinary geriatrics |
Clinical analytics of dogs and cats | Clinical analytics of dogs and cats |
Computed tomography in clinical practice | Computed tomography in clinical practice |
Diseases of ornamental birds | Diseases of ornamental birds |
Emergency radiology in small animal practice | Emergency radiology in small animal practice |
Endoscopic diagnostics | Endoscopic diagnostics |
Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals | Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals |
Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical diseases | Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical disease |
Veterinary electrocardiography | Veterinary electrocardiography |
Animal anatomy 1 | Animal anatomy 1 |
Biology | Biology |
Biophysics | Biophysics |
Cell biology | Cell biology |
Chemistry | Chemistry |
Foreign Language 1 | Foreign Language 1 |
Histology and embryology 1 | Histology and embryology 1 |
Information Technologies | Information Technologies |
Latin | Latin |
Philosophy | Philosophy |
Physical Education | Physical Education |
Psychology | Psychology |
The use of animals in scentific experiments | The use of animals in scientific experiments |
Work Safety and Ergonomics | Work Safety and Ergonomics |
Agronomy | Agronomy |
Animal anatomy 2 | Anatomia zwierząt 2 |
Biochemistry 1 | Biochemistry 1 |
Biostatistics and method of documentation | Biostatistics and methods of documentation |
Enviromental Protection | Environmental Protection |
Ethics | Ethics |
Foreign Language 2 | Foreign Language 2 |
General and veterinary genetics | General and veterinary genetics |
Histology and embryology 2 | Histology and embryology 2 |
History of Veterinary medicine and deontology | History of Veterinary medicine and deontology |
Intellectual property protection | Intellectual property protection |
Latin 2 | Latin 2 |
Physical Education 2 | Physical Education 2 |
Animal anatomy 3 | |
Animal nutrition and feedingstuffs | Animal nutrition and feedingstuffs |
Animal physiology 1 | Animal physiology 1 |
Biochemistry 2 | Biochemistry 2 |
Farming of animals | Farming of animals |
Foreign Language 3 | Foreign Language 3 |
Technology in animal production | Technology in animal production |
Veterinary economics | Veterinary economics |
Animal physiology 2 | Animal physiology 2 |
Breeding practice | Breeding practice |
Ethology | Ethology |
Foreign Language 4 | Foreign Language 4 |
Immunology | Immunology |
Microbiology 1 | Microbiology 1 |
Topographic Anatomy | Topographic Anatomy |
Veterinary Epidemiology | Veterinary Epidemiology |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 1 |
Interpersonal communication | Interpersonal communication |
Microbiology 2 | Microbiology 2 |
Pathophysiology 1 | Pathophysiology 1 |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Public health | Public health |
Veterinary pharmacology 1 | Veterinary pharmacology 1 |
Animal feed hygiene | Animal feed hygiene |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 |
Diseases of beneficial insects | Diseases of beneficial insects |
General surgery and anesthesiology | General surgery and anesthesiology |
Pathomorphology 1 | Pathomorphology 1 |
Pathophysiology 2 | Pathophysiology 2 |
Veterinary parasitology 1 | Veterinary parasitology 1 |
Veterinary pharmacology 2 | Veterinary pharmacology 2 |
Diagnostic imaging 20-21 sem VII | Diagnostic imaging 20-21 sem VII |
Diseases of amphibians | Diseases of amphibians |
Diseases of horses. Block I | Diseases of horses. Block I |
Hygiene of slaughter animals 1 | Hygiene of slaughter animals 1 |
Internsip – parasitology | Internship –parasitology |
Milk Hygiene | Milk hygiene |
Pathomorphogy 2 | Pathomorphology 2 |
Veterinary parasitology 2 | Veterinary parasitology 2 |
Veterinary Toxicology | Veterinary Toxicology |
Zoonoses | Zoonoses |
Clincal training after VIII term | Clinical training after VIII term |
Diseases of farm animals. Block I | Dis farm animals. Block I |
Diseases of fur animals | Diseases of fur animals |
Diseases of horses. Block II | Diseases of horses. Block II |
Fish diseases | Fish diseases |
Hygiene of slaughter animals 2 | Hygiene of slaughter animals 2 |
Pathomorphology 3 | Pathomorphology 3 |
Veterinary Inspections Practice 1 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 1 |
Andrology and Artificial Insemination | Andrology and Artificial Insemination |
Diseases of birds 1 | Diseases of birds 1 |
Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 1 | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 1 |
Diseases of farm animals. Block II | Diseases of farm animals. Block II |
Food hygiene of animal origin 1 | Food hygiene of animal origin 1 |
Forensic veterinary Medicine | Forensic veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Dietetics | Veterinary Dietetics |
Veterinary Prevention 1 | Veterinary Prevention 1 |
Cilnical training after X term | Clinical training after X term |
Diseases of birds | Diseases of birds 2 |
Diseases of dogs an cats clinical training. Block 1 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 1 |
Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training – Block I | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block I |
Diseases of horses – clinical training.Block I | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block I |
Food hygiene of animal origin 2 | Food hygiene of animal origin 2 |
Veterinary Inspection Practice 2 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 2 |
Veterinary Prevention 2 | Veterinary Prevention 2 |
Administration and veterinary law | Administration and veterinary law |
Diseases of birds – practical training | Diseases of birds -practical training |
Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II |
Diseases of horses – clinical training. Block II | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block II |
Free-living animal diseases of local and exotic spieces | Free-living animals diseases of local and exotic species |
Herd health managment | Herd health management |
Academic savoir vivre | Academic savoir vivre |
Animal behaviourism | Animal behaviourism |
Aquaristics | Aquaristics |
Elements of neurobiology | Elements of neurobiology |
First aid | First aid |
Herpetology with elements of herpetoculture | Herpetology with elements of herpetoculture |
Animal genetic diseases | Animal genetic diseases |
Avian physiology and anatomy | Avian physiology and anat |
Biomedical genetics | Biomedical genetics |
Clinical physiolog | Clinical physiology |
Information and communication technologies as a tool for proffesional development | Information and commun |
Utility of molecular biology techniques in veterinary studies and veterinary diagnostics | Utility of molecular biolo |
Endocrinology | Endocrinology |
Exercise physiology | Exercise physiology |
Neurophysiology | Neurophysiology |
Physiology of non-domestic and exotic animals | Physiology of non-domestic |
Physiology of postnatal animal development | Physiology of postnatal |
Surgical anatomy | Surgical anatomy |
Basics of law theory | Basics of law theory |
Biomaterials | Biomaterials |
Breed and dis of Ratitae birds | Breed and dis of Ratitae b |
Genetic modification an gene therapy | Genetic modification |
Marketing and management | Marketing and management |
Behavioral disorders | Behavioral disorders |
Clinical pharmacology | Clinical pharmacology |
First contact with the patient | First contact with the patient |
Laboratory Haematology | Laboratory Haematology |
Neoplastic transformations | Neoplastic transformations |
Plant substances in prevention | Plant substances in prevention |
Diseases of aquatic invertebrates | Diseases of aquatic invertebrates |
Diseases of laboratory animals | Diseases of laboratory animals |
Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial therapy in animals | Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial |
Toxicological Laboratory Analysis | Toxicological Laboratory Analysis |
Veterinary mycology | Veterinary mycology |
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery | Clinical neurology and neurosurgery |
Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology | Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology |
Diagnostic Imaging in Horses | Diagnostic Imaging in Horses |
Diagnostic imaging of exotic pets | Diagnostic imaging of exotic pets |
Emergency relief in life-threatening of animals | Emergency relief in life-threatening of animals |
Equine sports medicine | Equine sports medicine |
Experimental surgery | Experimental surgery |
Veterinary oncology | Veterinary oncology |
Canine and feline echocardiography in practice | Canine and feline echocardiography in practice |
Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases | Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases |
Clinical endocrinology | Clinical endocrinology |
Current problems of modern buiatry | Current problems of modern buiatry |
Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology | Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology |
Maxillofacial Surgery | Maxillofacial Surgery |
Metabolic diseases of farm animals | Metabolic diseases of farm animals |
Veterinary geriatrics | Veterinary geriatrics |
Clinical analytics of dogs and cats | Clinical analytics of dogs and cats |
Computed tomography in clinical practice | Computed tomography in clinical practice |
Diseases of ornamental birds | Diseases of ornamental birds |
Emergency radiology in small animal practice | Emergency radiology in small animal practice |
Endoscopic diagnostics | Endoscopic diagnostics |
Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals | Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals |
Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical disease | Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical disease |
Veterinary electrocardiography | Veterinary electrocardiography |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 1 | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 1 |
Interpersonal communication | Interpersonal communication |
Microbiology 2 | Microbiology 2 |
Pathophysiology 1 | Pathophysiology 1 |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Public health protection in emergencies | Public health protection in emergencies |
Veterinary pharmacology 1 | Veterinary pharmacology 1 |
Animal feed hygiene | Animal feed hygiene |
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 | Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics 2 |
Diseases of beneficial insects | Diseases of beneficial insects |
General surgery and anesthesiology | General surgery and anesthesiology |
Pathomorphology 1 | Pathomorphology 1 |
Pathophysiology 2 | Pathophysiology 2 |
Veterinary parasitology and invasiology 1 | Veterinary parasitology and invasiology 1 |
Veterinary pharmacology 2 | Veterinary pharmacology 2 |
Diagnostic imaging | Diagnostic imaging |
Diseases of amphibians and reptiles | Diseases of amphibians and reptiles |
Diseases of horses. Block I | Diseases of horses. Block I |
Hygiene of slaughter animals and meat 1 | Hygiene of slaughter animals and meat 1 |
Internship –parasitology | Internship –parasitology |
Milk hygiene | Milk hygiene |
Pathomorphology 2 | Pathomorphology 2 |
Veterinary parasitology and invasiology 2 | Veterinary parasitology and invasiology 2 |
Veterinary Toxicology | Veterinary Toxicology |
Zoonoses | Zoonoses |
Clinical training after VIII term | Clinical training after VIII term |
Diseases of farm animals. Block I | Diseases of farm animals. Block I |
Diseases of fur animals | Diseases of fur animals |
Diseases of horses. Block II | Diseases of horses. Block II |
Fish diseases | Fish diseases |
Hygiene of slaughter animals and meat 2 | Hygiene of slaughter animals and meat 2 |
Pathomorphology 3 | Pathomorphology 3 |
Veterinary Inspection Practice 1 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 1 |
Andrology and Artificial Insemination | Andrology and Artificial Insemination |
Diseases of birds 1 | Diseases of birds 1 |
Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 1 | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 1 |
Diseases of farm animals. Block II | Diseases of farm animals. Block II |
Food hygiene of animal origin 1 | Food hygiene of animal origin 1 |
Forensic veterinary Medicine | Forensic veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Dietetics | Veterinary Dietetics |
Veterinary Prevention 1 | Veterinary Prevention 1 |
Clinical training after X term | Clinical training after X term |
Diseases of birds 2 | Diseases of birds 2 |
Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 1 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 1 |
Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block I | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block I |
Diseases of horses – clinical training Block I | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block I |
Food hygiene of animal origin 2 | Food hygiene of animal origin 2 |
Veterinary Inspection Practice 2 | Veterinary Inspection Practice 2 |
Veterinary Prevention 2 | Veterinary Prevention 2 |
Administration and veterinary law | Administration and veterinary law |
Diseases of birds Clinical practical training | Diseases of birds Clinical practical training |
Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 | Diseases of dogs and cats – clinical training. Block 2 |
Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II | Diseases of farm animals – clinical training. Block II |
Diseases of horses – clinical training Block II | Diseases of horses – clinical training Block II |
Free-living animals diseases of local and exotic species | Free-living animals diseases of local and exotic species |
Basics of law theory | Basics of law theory |
Biomaterials | Biomaterials |
Breeding and diseases of Ratitae birds | Breeding and diseases of Ratitae birds |
Genetic modification and gene therapy | Genetic modification and gene therapy |
Marketing and management | Marketing and management |
Behavioral disorders of dogs and cats | Behavioral disorders of dogs and cats |
Clinical pharmacology | Clinical pharmacology |
First contact with the patient in the clinic for small animals | First contact with the patient in the clinic for small animals |
Laboratory Haematology | Laboratory Haematology |
Neoplastic transformations in animals | Neoplastic transformations in animals |
Plant substances in prevention and therapy of animals | Plant substances in prevention and therapy of animals |
Diseases of aquatic invertebrates | Diseases of aquatic invertebrates |
Diseases of Laboratory Animals | Diseases of Laboratory Animals |
Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial therapy in animals | Practical aspects of rational antimicrobial therapy in animals |
Small mammals – pathology and therapy | Small mammals – pathology and therapy |
Veterinary mycology | Veterinary mycology |
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery | Clinical neurology and neurosurgery |
Diagnostic imaging of exotic pets | Diagnostic imaging of exotic pets |
Emergency relief in life-threatening of animals | Emergency relief in life-threatening of animals |
Experimental surgery | Experimental surgery |
Toxicological Laboratory Analysis | Toxicological Laboratory Analysis |
Canine and feline echocardiography in practice | Canine and feline echocardiography in practice |
Clinical endocrinology | Clinical endocrinology |
Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology | Diagnostic cytomorphology in veterinary pathology |
Maxillofacial Surgery | Maxillofacial Surgery |
Veterinary geriatrics | Veterinary geriatrics |
Clinical analytics of dogs and cats | Clinical analytics of dogs and cats |
Diseases of ornamental birds | Diseases of ornamental birds |
Endoscopic diagnostics | Endoscopic diagnostics |
Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals | Pediatrics with elements of behavior of the small animals |
Veterinary electrocardiography | Veterinary electrocardiography |
Computed tomography in clinical practice | Computed tomography in clinical practice |
Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology | Diagnostic imaging in clinical oncology |
Emergency radiology in small animal practice | Emergency radiology in small animal practice |
Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical disease | Ultrasound examination in the acute clinical disease |
Veterinary oncology | Veterinary oncology |
Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases | Clinical analytics of farm animals and horses diseases |
Current problems of modern buiatry | Current problems of modern buiatry |
Diagnostic Imaging in Horses | Diagnostic Imaging in Horses |
Equine sports medicine | Equine sports medicine |
Metabolic diseases of farm animals | Metabolic diseases of farm animals |
13 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin
VATIN 712 010 37 75
REGON no. 000001896
ePUAP: /UP-Lublin/SkrytkaESP
13 Akademicka Street
20-950 Lublin
Dean’s Office: phone no. (+48) 81 528 47 24,
(+48) 81 528 47 22