I. Section of Agrobioengineering

Thematic blocks: bioengineering, economy and agribusiness, spatial management, forestry, environmental protection and engineering, plant production and commodity science, tourism and recreation, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Agata Kobyłka, PhD

II. Section of Veterinary Medicine

Thematic blocks: veterinary medicine and other related.

Scientific supervisor: Agnieszka Chałabis-Mazurek, PhD

III. Section of Animal Sciences and Bioeconomy

Thematic blocks: animal behavior, animal science, occupational safety and health, bioeconomy, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Kamil Drabik, BEng, PhD

IV. Section of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Thematic blocks: horticulture, botany and plant physiology, plant protection, vegetable growing and herbalism, landscape architecture, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Karolina Pitura, PhD
phone: 81 531 97 06

V. Section of Production Engineering

Thematic blocks: management and marketing, logistics, transport and shipping, production engineering, environmental engineering and ecology, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Marek Domin, BEng, PhD
phone: 81 531 96 66

VI. Section of Food Sciences and Biotechnology

Thematic blocks: food technology and culinary arts, food biotechnology, food chemistry and biochemistry, food microbiology, human nutrition, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Urszula Szymanowska, PhD

VII. Section of Environmental Biology

Thematic blocks: biology, environmental protection, nature protection, biocosmetology, other related. biology, environmental protection, nature conservation, biocosmetology, other related.

Scientific supervisor: Wojciech Płaska, PhD

The conference fee should be paid by March 21st, 2025, to the account:

University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Bank PKO SA, branch in Lublin
26 1240 5497 1111 0011 3333 1849
with the annotation: MSSKN / name and surname of the participant / name of the university


PLN 60 – conference fee, including: inclusion of the abstract in the book of abstracts, written confirmation of participation, certificate for persons presenting the paper, poster

PLN 410 – if the participant declares the willingness to publish a chapter in a monograph (PLN 60 conference fee + PLN 350 chapter fee in a monograph). Each additional chapter costs PLN 350.

The scan of the proof of payment with the summary and the GDPR document should be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address: by Marh 21, 2025 (detailed information in the tab – important dates)

Failure to send the confirmation of payment on time means resignation from participation in the Symposium and failure to have the abstract included in the book of abstracts.

Invoices for participation in the Symposium will be issued at the participant’s request and sent to the address provided by the participant.

1 - Summary template (.docx / 18 kB)
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2 - Guidelines for the authors of a chapter in the monograph (.docx / 24 kB)
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2a - Statement of monograph author (.docx / 26 kB)
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2b - Statement of scientific supervisor (.docx / 13 kB)
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by March 26, 2025

Deadline for registration

by March 26, 2025

Deadline for payment of the conference fee

by March 26, 2025

Sending to the e-mail address: in one e-mail: proof of payment, abstract (abstracts are submitted by the first author) and GDPR document (in the title of the e-mail please enter: MSSKN abstract, serial number of one of the seven Scientific Sections, form presentations, i.e. a paper / poster (e.g. Abstract_MSSKN_II_paper)

File names of individual attachments:
♦ proof of payment: payment_surname_ MSSKN
♦ abstract: surname, first letter of the first name, event (MSSKN), sequence number of one of the seven Scientific Sections of the Symposium and the form of the presentation to which the abstract is addressed, e.g. Kowalski_J_MSSKN_II_paper
♦ Signed scan of the GDPR document: Annex 3, Surname and first letter of the first name and the abbreviation of the event (MSSKN), e.g. Annex 3_Kowalski_J_MSSKN

by April 4, 2025

Sending to the e-mail address: the chapter of the monograph along with the statements of the author and the academic supervisor of the monograph (Annexes 2a and 2b). The chapter of the monograph is sent by the corresponding author.

The title of the e-mail should include: monograph, abbreviation of the event (MSSKN), serial number of one of the seven Scientific Sections of the Symposium (e.g. monograph_MSSKN_II).
The name of the chapter file should include: chapter, surname, first letter of the first name, event (MSSKN), consecutive number of one of the seven Scientific Sections of the Symposium (e.g. chapter _Kowalski_J_MSSKN_II).

I. Selected issues of animal production
II. Selected issues of environmental hazards and protection 
III. Selected issues of production of raw materials, food and cosmetics
IV. Selected issues in agriculture
V. Selected issues of bromatology

by April 15, 2025

Sending the poster.

The poster is sent by the first author.

The poster saved in the .pdf format, not exceeding 6 MB

Technical requirements for the poster:

  • standard size A1 format, i.e. 59.4 cm wide and 84.1 cm high,
  • horizontal orientation.

April 24, 2025

Hybrid form conference


Attachment 3 – GDPR documents (.docx / 21 kB)
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