The aim of activity is to organize stationary lectures and workshops conducted by outstanding teachers and scientists from foreign universities and research centers. It is planned to invite outstanding personalities from the world of science whose activities will contribute to the internationalization of academic community, including scientific research and promotion of science among PhD students. It is planned that six teachers from European and non-European countries will visit Doctoral School of ULS. Every year a procedure for selecting and inviting the best scientists and teachers to “School of Excellence” among the candidates submitted by PhD students will be conducted.
Działanie ma na celu organizację stacjonarnych wykładów i warsztatów prowadzonych przez wybitnych dydaktyków i naukowców z zagranicznych uczelni i instytucji badawczych. Planuje się zaproszenie wybitnych osobowości świata nauki, których działalność przyczyni się do umiędzynarodowienia środowiska akademickiego, w tym badań naukowych oraz promocji nauki wśród doktorantów. Planuje się przyjazd 6 dydaktyków z Europy jak i spoza Europy. Corocznie, zgodnie z procedurą w Szkole Doktorskiej UPL zostaną wyłonieni najlepsi naukowcy/dydaktycy do „Szkoły Mistrzów” spośród kandydatów zgłoszonych przez doktorantów.
The winner of the “School of Excellence” coming from European countries is obliged to undertake a 5-day visit (including travel), and those coming from non-European countries a 7-day visit (including travel). At least 3 days of the visit should be devoted to the following activities (8 hours in total):
Additional conditions:
As part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”, the following costs of the visit to the “School of Excellence” will be covered:
Rules for submitting candidacies to the “School of Excellence”:
List of application documents for the candidates to the “School of Excellence”:
Rules for presenting the profiles of candidates for the “School of Excellence” and voting for candidates:
General schedule for application procedure to the “School of Excellence” and visits timetable as part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”
Second quarter of the year 2024: Recruitment of the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2024, representing scientific disciplines or related disciplines:
including one visit of guest from Europe and one visit of guest from outside Europe.
First quarter of the year 2025: Recruitment of the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2025, representing scientific disciplines or related disciplines:
including one visit of guest from Europe and one visit of guest from outside Europe.
First quarter of the year 2026: Recruitment of the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2026, representing scientific disciplines or related disciplines:
including two visits of guest from Europe.
Detailed schedule for the year 2024
First call to the “School of Excellence” as part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”
Deadlines | Tasks |
May 6-22nd, 2024 | Submission of documents by PhD students to the Doctoral School Office regarding candidates for the “School of Excellence” |
May 23rd, 2024 | Fromal verification of documents and preparation of a list of candidates by the Doctoral School Office |
until May 29th, 2024 | Presentation of the profiles of candidates for the “School of Excellence” along with voting |
until June 7th, 2024 | Publication of the list of winners on the project website |
from October 1st to December 31st, 2024 |
Visits of the winners in accordance with the education timetable at UPL |
no later than 2 weeks from the planned date of the visit | Publication of a detailed visit schedule on the project website |
General schedule for submitting candidates to the “School of Champions” and carrying out their visits as part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”
Harmonogram ogólny zgłaszania kandydatów do „Szkoły mistrzów” oraz realizacji ich przyjazdów w ramach projektu NAWA STER „Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”
Second quarter of year 2024: Recruitment for the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2024, representing scientific or related disciplines:
including the visit of one person from Europe and one person from outside Europe.
II kwartał 2024 roku: Nabór na przyjazdy naukowców realizowane do dnia 31 grudnia 2024 roku reprezentujących dyscypliny naukowe lub dyscypliny pokrewne:
First quarter of year 2025: Recruitment for the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2025, representing scientific or related disciplines:
including the visit of one person from Europe and one person from outside Europe.
I kwartał 2025 roku: Nabór na przyjazdy dydaktyków i naukowców realizowane do dnia 31 grudnia 2025 roku reprezentujących dyscypliny naukowe lub dyscypliny pokrewne:
First quarter of year 2026: Recruitment for the incoming teachers for visit realized until December 31st 2026, representing scientific or related disciplines:
I kwartał 2026 roku: Nabór na przyjazdy dydaktyków i naukowców realizowane do dnia 31 grudnia 2026 roku reprezentujących dyscypliny naukowe lub dyscypliny pokrewne:
The meeting and voting directed to selection of winners of first call for “School of Excellence” will be held on May 29th 2024 (Wednesday) at Głęboka 28 street, Room 134, between 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
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Dr. Liza Rose MoscoviceResearch Scientist, Psychophysiology Working Group, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), |
Scientific and professional career:
Since 2019: Research Scientist, Psychophysiology Working Group, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany
2016-2018: Postdoc, Department of Anthropology, Emory University, USA
2011-2016: Postdoc, Department of Primatology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
2009-2011: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Binghamton University, USA
2006-2009: Postdoc, Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, USA
1999-2006: Masters and PhD in psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
1993-1997: Undergraduate education in neuroscience, Oberlin College, USA
Scope of candidate’ research interests:
The most important scientific achievements:
2024 European Partnership for Animal Health and Welfare (EU-PAHW)
Funds to support research on positive welfare indicators in farm animals, together with several colleagues at the FBN.
2023 DFG Weave Research Grant
Grant to support research on the proximate mechanisms mediating helping behavior in pigs.
2020 DFG Research Grant
Grant to support research on programming effects of maternal stress during lactation on offspring behavior and neuroendocrinology in pigs
Moscovice L. R., Sobczak B., Niittynen T., Koski S. E., Gimsa, U. (2024). Changes in salivary oxytocin in response to biologically-relevant events in farm animals: method optimization and usefulness as a biomarker. Frontiers in Physiology, 15,
Moscovice, L. R., Eggert, A. Manteuffel, C. & Rault, J. L. (2023). Spontaneous helping in pigs is mediated by helper’s social attention and distress signals of individuals in need. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290: 20230665.
Moscovice, L. R., Hohmann, G. Trumble, B. Fruth, B. and Jaeggi, A. (2022): Dominance or tolerance? Causes and consequences of a period of increased intercommunity encounters among bonobos (Pan paniscus) at LuiKotale. International Journal of Primatology 43: 434-459.
Moscovice, L. R. Sueur C. and Aureli, F. (2020). How socio-ecological factors influence the differentiation of social relationships: an integrated conceptual framework. Biology letters 16: 20200384.
Moscovice, L. R., Surbeck, M., Jaeggi, A., Hohmann, G., Fruth, B. & Deschner, T. (2019): The cooperative sex: Sexual interactions among female bonobos are linked to increases in oxytocin, proximity and coalitions. Hormones and Behavior 116, 104581.
8-9. April, 2024. Invited speaker, COST ACTION LIFT Training School for Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Positive Animal Welfare Science, Milan, Italy. Talk title: “From the forest to the farm: Using wildlife research methods to improve farm animal welfare.”
7.February, 2024. Keynote speaker, Nordic International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) Meeting, Ski, Norway. Talk title: “Let me out! Exploring the motivations for prosocial behavior in pigs.”
Google Scholar
h-index = 18, citations = 2640
Web of Science
h-index = 16, citations = 1649
h-index = 16, citations = 1713
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Dr. Osama A. Ibrahim, associate prof.Department of Dairy Sciences. |
Scientific and professional career:
Ph.D., Dairy Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, (Dec. 2011- Jun. 2015).
Thesis entitled: Studies on Isolation and Purification of Transglutaminase and its Impact on some Dairy Products
M.Sc., Dairy Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, (Jan. 2005- Sep. 2009).
Thesis entitled: Studies on Acceleration of Ras Cheese Ripening with Aminopeptidase Enzyme from Buffaloes’ Pancreas
B.Sc. in Dairy Science and Technology, Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, (Jun. 2000).
Associate Professor, Department of Dairy Science, NRC (2021- present)
Researcher, Department of Dairy Science, NRC (2015- 2021)
Assistant Researcher, Department of Dairy Science, NRC (2009-2015)
Researcher Assistant, Department of Dairy Science, NRC (2003 – 2009)
Technician, Department of Dairy Science, NRC (2001- 2003)
Scope of candidate’ research interests:
The most important scientific achievements:
Principal Investigator of the project entitled “Enzymatic biotransformation in Enzyme modified cheese flavor production” funded by National Research Centre, 2022-2024.
Principal Investigator of the project entitled “Nanoencapsulation forms of Transglutaminase and their application in Food Industries” funded by National Research Centre, 2019-2022.
Member of the researching team of several projects funded by National Research Centre during 2016-2022 which focused on:
Patent No. 2088/2018 from the Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt, entitled: “Production of Novel Egyptian Functional Food” on 24/12/2018 (under evaluation).
Patent No. 1253/2019 from the Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt, entitled: “Production of Novel Functional Ras Cheese Supplemented with Jalapeno Red Pepper in The Egyptian Market” on 7/8/2019 (under evaluation).
Patent No. 1484/2023 from the Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt, entitled: “Utilization of lupine seeds neutral extract as a texture improver in low-fat yogurt Production” on 26/9/2023 (under evaluation).
H-index = 11.
Number of citations: 477
Based on the voting procedure on May 29th 2024, the winners of the first call (2024) to the “School of Excellence” are:
W dniach 7-11 października 2024 roku na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym w Lublinie w ramach zaproszenia Szkoły Doktorskiej naszej Uczelni gościł profesor Osama Ibrahim reprezentujący Department of Dairy Sciences, Institute of Food Industry and Nutrition Research w Kairze (Egipt).
Wizyta finansowana była w ramach projektu NAWA STER “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”, w ramach zadania ‘Szkoła mistrzów”, które ma na calu zapraszanie wybitnych przedstawicieli świata nauki reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w celu prowadzenia zajęć z doktorantami.
W ramach wizyty profesora odbyły się następujące wydarzenia:
Tematyka zajęć prowadzonych przez profesora wizytującego dotyczyła możliwości zastosowania badań naukowych w skali przemysłowej, enzymów jako narzędzi do poprawy cech funkcjonalnych żywności oraz aspektów związanych z przygotowaniem i publikowaniem prac naukowych w wysokiej rangi czasopismach naukowych.
Łącznie w wydarzeniach uczestniczyło około 80 osób.
On October 7-11, 2024, Professor Osama Ibrahim, representing the Department of Dairy Sciences, Institute of Food Industry and Nutrition Research in Cairo (Egypt), visited the University of Life Sciences in Lublin as part of the invitation of the Doctoral School of our University.
The visit was financed as part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”, as part of the ‘School of champions’ task, which aims to invite outstanding representatives of the world of science representing various disciplines in order to conduct classes with PhD students.
The following events took place as part of the professor’s visit:
The topics of the classes conducted by the visiting professor concerned the possibility of applying scientific research on an industrial scale, enzymes as tools to improve the functional properties of food, and aspects related to the preparation and publication of scientific works in high-ranking scientific journals.
In total, approximately 80 people participated in the events.
W dniach 17 – 21 listopada 2024 roku na Uniwersytecie Przyrodniczym w Lublinie w ramach zaproszenia Szkoły Doktorskiej naszej Uczelni gościła Pani dr Liza Rose Moscovice z Psychophysiology Working Group w Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) w Dummerstorf (Niemcy).
Wizyta finansowana była w ramach projektu NAWA STER “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”, w ramach zadania ‘Szkoła mistrzów”, które ma na celu zapraszanie wybitnych przedstawicieli świata nauki reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w celu prowadzenia zajęć z doktorantami.
Opiekunami gościa zagranicznego były dr inż. Wiktoria Janicka oraz mgr inż. Kamila Janicka z Instytutu Biologicznych Podstaw Produkcji Zwierzęcej.
W ramach wizyty dr Lizy Moscovice odbyły się następujące wydarzenia:
Tematyka zajęć prowadzonych przez profesora wizytującego dotyczyła korzyści z wprowadzenia interdyscyplinarnych perspektyw do badań od konceptualizacji po uzyskanie finansowania, tworzenie sieci kontaktów, szkolenia i możliwości badawcze dzięki partnerstwom UE w zakresie pozytywnego dobrostanu zwierząt, problemów i możliwości badania emocji zwierząt oraz przejawów empatii w świecie zwierząt.
Łącznie w wydarzeniach uczestniczyło około 200 osób. Prezentowane zagadnienia cieszyły się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem, o czym świadczy wiele ciekawych pytań, które zadawali Doktoranci i Studenci Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie.
Podczas pobytu dr Liza miała możliwość zapoznania się z kampusem Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie oraz ze zwierzętami utrzymywanymi w Zakładzie Animaloterapii i Psychologii Zwierząt oraz w Katedrze Hodowli i Użytkowania Koni.
From 17 to 21 November 2024, the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, within the invitation of the Doctoral School of our University, hosted Dr Liza Rose Moscovice representing Psychophysiology Working Group in Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) in Dummerstorf (Germany).
The visit was financed as part of the NAWA STER project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)”, as part of the ‘School of champions’ task, which aims to invite outstanding representatives of the world of science representing various disciplines in order to conduct classes with PhD students.
The visiting professor’s hosts were Dr Wiktoria Janicka and M.Sc. Kamila Janicka from the Institute of Biological Basis of Animal Production.
The following events took place as part of the Dr Liza Moscovice visit:
Topics covered by the visiting professor included the benefits of bringing interdisciplinary perspectives to research from conceptualisation to obtaining funding, networking, training and research opportunities through EU partnerships in positive animal welfare, problems and opportunities for studying animal emotions and expressions of empathy in the animal world.
In total, around 200 people attended the events. There was a great deal of interest in the issues presented, as evidenced by the many interesting questions asked by PhD students and Students of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.
During her stay, Dr Liza had the opportunity to familiarise herself with the campus of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and the animals kept at the Department of Animal Assisted Therapy and Animal Psychology and the Department of Horse Breeding and Use.
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