Sub-department of Dairy Technology and Functional Food

Courses in:

Dairy Science, Specialization in: Technology of Milk and Hydrocolloids, General Food Technology, Food Preservation, Analysis and Storage of Agricultural Products, New Product Development. Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids is a host for Students’ Society of Food Technology.

Research topics:

  • functional properties of proteins and polysaccharides (viscosity, gelation, foaming),
  • rheological analysis of dairy products, especially butters, spreads, margarines, polysaccharide-protein gels, yoghurts and cheese analogues,
  • texture analysis of foods,
  • obtaining and properties of processed cheese analogs, imitation cheeses with proteins and polysaccharides,
  • technology of desserts, yoghurts and spreads,
  • developing new dietary formulas for sportsmen,
  • chemical analysis of toxic metals, nitrate and nitrite in fruits and vegetables.


  • Development of methods for obtaining polymer/whey protein aggregates, which can be used as substances for increasing the viscosity. This method has been patented in the U.S. (three patents).
  • Development of technology for the production of processed cheese analogues with the addition of whey proteins or their polymers.
  • Development of technology for the production of milk desserts without the polysaccharide thickeners and gelling agents.
  • Development of methods to improve the properties of cheese using transglutaminase.
  • The discovery of different interactions between proteins and saccharides and their effect on the functional properties of proteins.
  • Developing a new test method for cheese melting analysis.
  • Development of a novel method for obtaining the aerated gels from whey protein.
  • Development of technology for dairy desserts production using the phenomenon of gel structure inversion after its destruction.


  • Performing analysis of different products texture.
  • Performing rheological characteristics of products (viscoelasticity, viscosity, non-newtonian fluids characteristics).
  • Selection of thickeners and gelling agents for different food products (dairy, meat and others).
  • Influence of different factors on the rheological properties of products (e.g. storage effects, microbiological changes).
  • Assessment of functional properties of proteins and polysaccharides preparations (gel, foam properties, increasing viscosity).
  • Advice on the use of whey protein formulations to improve the functional and nutritional properties of products.
  • Analysis of chemical and physical stability of dietary supplements for athletes and physically active people.