Programme of Surgical anatomy of small animals classes for the IInd year of Veterinary Medicine studies – optional (ELECTIVE)

The IVth semester of English course

Surgical anatomy of small animals

1) Construction, location and access to the anal sinuses using surgical methods. Preparation of the anal sinus.

2) Structure and topography of the canine stomach. Vascularization, innervation and elements stabilizing the position of the stomach, including diseases requiring surgical intervention (gastric dilatation volvulus).

3) Structure and characteristics of the canine penis. The use of surgical methods in the preparation of the canine genitals. Partial amputation of the penis.

4) Structure of the canine hip joint. Ligaments and muscles of the joint and their functions. Access preparation with indication of elements affecting this joint disease (hip dislocation, dysplasia)

5) Structure of the canine knee joint. Ligaments and muscles of the joint and their functions. Access preparation with indication of elements affecting this joint disease (dislocation of patella, ACL injury)

6) Castration-Structure and topography of the vaginal process and the spermatic cord

7) Final test

Radosław Szalak PhD