Philosophy course covers 1 semester and 30 didactic hours.
Lectures are in weekly intervals during whole semester 2 h each and demonstrate the main concepts and problems of the western philosophy.
Lectures have both systematic and historical character.
Detailed description of topics is available in syllabus.
The final grade will be given to students on the basis of their participation in classes, as well as their marks from the written final test. Students are allowed to have 2 absences which are unaccounted for.
In case of multiple absences it will be necessary to pass them orally or writtenly.

Leszek Kopciuch – Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4,
room no 304

Department of History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy,
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology UMCS

Dates Title of Class

Concepts of philosophy – part I:
classical concept of philosophy; its definition and selected representatives: Plato, Aristotle; positivism and its understanding of philosophy: August Comte; neopositivism and its idea of the destruction of philosophy; empirical statement and statements without meaning; analitical-linguistic concept of philosophy.

18/10/18: Concepts of philosophy – part II: Main concepts of philosophy – part II. Irrational concept of philosophy. Philosophy as a form of life expression. Friedrich Nietzsche and his critique of reason, Christian morality and classical concept of philosophy. Theory of ressentiment. Wilhelm Dilthey’s understanding of philosophy as a form of world view.   
25/10/18: Concepts of philosophy – part III: Philosophy and other elements of culture; religion, art, ideology, world view. Differences and similarities between them. Main branches of philosophy: Ontology, epistemology, ethics, philosophical anthropology, social philosophy, axiology, logic, history of philosophy; their topics and theoretical standpoints
08/11/18: Ontological positions – monism: views and selected representatives (Parmenides, George Berkeley, Karl Marx); idealism and materialism as main examples of monism; errors and theoretical problems of monism.
15/11/18: Ontological positions   (file 2) – dualism: views and most important standpoints; Plato and theory of two worlds; Saint Thomas  Aquino and dualism of God and creature; does God exist? – positive proves and their critique (ontological argument of Anselm of Canterbury, 5 roads of Thomas, argumentation of Blaise Pascal – wager about God, God as a postulate of the practical reason – Immanuel Kant).
22/11/18: The modern dualism of Rene Descartes methodic skepticism and its sources and procedure; two types of being: thought and matter; difficulties of dualism; psycho-physical problem; occasionalism as a solution of psycho-physical problem; other misunderstandings and difficulties of dualism.
29/11/18: Ontological pluralism: Nicolai Hartmann’s stratalism; real and ideal being; reality and irreality, irreality and ideality; regular structure of the real world; organic being in the structure of reality.
06/11/18: Teleological and causal nexus; determinism and indeterminism; forms of determinism; different forms of  teleologism; human teleological activity and teleology in the nature; teleological structure of human freedom.
 13/12/18: Epistemology – part 1: what is an origin and method of cognition (rationalism, empiricism, irrationalism); what is a relation between cognition and experience (aposteriorical and apriorical cognition).
20/12/18: Epistemology – part 2: what is a relation between subject and object of the cognition (epistemological realism and epistemological idealism); what is truth (classic and non-classic concepts of truth); can man really cognize something (skepticism, dogmatism and criticism in epistemology).
10/01/19: Selected problem of the philosophical ethics and axiology: structure of moral action, objectivity and subjectivity of values, relativism and absolutism in axiology, epistemology of values; value diversity, existence of values.
17/01/19: Selected philosophical concepts of nature: culture and nature; man and animals; life and its forms; social and natural sciences, humanities; philosophical interpretations of biological life; philosophical aspects of evolution; why should we protect environment – contemporary concepts and arguments.
24/01/19: Human being as a philosophical problem: historical and recent concepts of human nature; human freedom; philosophical problem of the mass culture; selected forms of transhumanism.
18/01/19: Society and its development in history: main concepts and problems; idea of social progress; catastrophism; concepts of cultural crisis; plurality of civilizations; diversity and unity in culture; liberalism and conservativism, individual and community, social justice, different forms of globalization. 
25/01/19: written test 


Supplementary materials


Warburton, Nigel. 2014. Philosophy: the Classics, 4th edition. London, New York: Routledge

Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy