Dietetics – in Polish
Faculty: Food Science and Biotechnology
Type of studies: full time/part time studies/Bachelor’s degree
Duration: 6 semesters (3 years) – full-time, 7 semesters (3.5 years) – part time

  • Information about the programme

    Dietetics as a field of study integrates knowledge of the principles of nutrition with the medical and biochemical fundamentals and gastronomic technology.

    This field of study is implemented in the full-time and part-time study system. Graduates receive a Bachelor’s degree.

    The studies provide an opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of principles of human nutrition, planning and preparation of dishes included in various diets, assessment and control of nutritional value and health quality of food, organising individual, collective and therapeutic nutrition, planning rational nutrition, prevention of nutrition-dependent diseases and conducting nutrition education. The graduate will be prepared to conduct research in the field of nutrition and control food quality, its storage conditions and food production. He/she will learn the basics of marketing, food law and law and economics in health care.

  • Examples of courses

    human anatomy, psychology, safety and ergonomics, work organisation, general and food biochemistry, human physiology, qualified first aid, fundamentals of human nutrition

  • Admission

    Recruitment for studies proceeds electronically through the IRK system. A personal registration account is used to apply for the chosen course(s) and is the only source of information for the candidate on the outcome of the recruitment procedure.

    Candidates with a secondary school certificate can apply for admission to first-cycle studies.

    The recruitment procedure for first-cycle studies for candidates

    – with the so-called “new matura” are based on the results of the written part of the external matura examination. In the assessment of the competition, multiplying factors are used, which refer to the grades of subjects taken at the matura exam at basic or extended level.

    – with the so-called “old matura” is based on a competition of secondary school certificates. If a candidate has not passed the secondary school leaving examination in the subjects included in the competition, the final grades in these subjects included in the school leaving certificate are taken into account.

    – laureates and finalists of olympiads and competitions: depending on the subject of the competition or olympiad, preferential rules are taken into account.

    Subjects to be taken into account in the recruitment process: modern foreign language and one subject of choice: biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics.

  • Career perspectives

    The graduate has a basic knowledge in nutrition of healthy and ill people and food preparation technology. He/she is prepared to work in:

    • public and non-public health care institutions;
    • dietetic consultancies
    • mass catering companies and companies supplying food to hospitals and other mass catering units;
    • consumer organisations
    • sports centres and others.

    He/she can also work with:  companies producing dietetic foods and foods for special purposes; doctors in the prevention and treatment of diseases through appropriate dietary intervention.