Official name: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
Official name in English: University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Erasmus code: PL LUBLIN04
Postal Address: Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
University website:
Rector: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Kowalczyk /Mr/
Vice-rector for Human Resources (incl. Erasmus+ programme): Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marczuk /Mr/
International Exchange Office
Postal Address: Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Erasmus + Institutional Coordinator
Izabela Wolska
Telephone +48 81/ 445 65 73
Contact Persons
Agreements – Izabela Wolska
Tel.: +48 81/ 445 65 73
Outgoing Students – Dagmara Sadowska
Tel.: +48 81/ 445 65 80
Outgoing Staff – Anna Dębska
Tel.: +48 81/ 445 65 94
Incoming Students / Incoming Staff – Anna Tuszewska
Tel.: +48 81/ 445 62 38
Nominations and Forms for Incoming Erasmus students should be sent to:
Incoming students:
International Exchange Office:
Language of instruction:
English for courses offered in Erasmus+ COURSE Catalogue.
Language requirements
Be aware of the fact that your level of English must be good (at least B1).
Faculty Coordinators
Persons responsible for all internal matters directly related to the study programme. Find Faculty Coordinators in Erasmus+ COURSE Catalogue section of each faculty
Go to section Accommodation procedure
Dear Partner,
Please notice that under the act from February 7, 2008 (Journal of Laws of 27 March, No. 52, item 300), signed by the President of the Republic of Poland, the Agricultural University in Lublin changed its name to the UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES IN LUBLIN, on April 11, 2008.
ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (ECHE) issued by the European Commission entitles universities to participate in Erasmus+ programme, to apply for funds for mobility activities that the university can implement as part of key actions in Erasmus+ programme:
KA1 Action – educational mobilities
KA2 Action – cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices
ECHE No : 101010194
Erasmus Code: PL LUBLIN04
OID: E10212178
PIC: 997539756
13 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin
VATIN 712 010 37 75
REGON no. 000001896
ePUAP: /UP-Lublin/SkrytkaESP