Dr hab. Piotr Listos, Associate Professor, DVM, Doctor of Law

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Sub-Department of Pathomorphology and Forensic Medicine
phone no: +48 814456163

Characteristics of the conducted research

  1. Veterinary forensic medicine, with particular emphasis on the aspect of medical and veterinary thanatology.
  2. Forensic veterinary diagnostics of analysis of gunshot cases in animals, fatal poisoning and genetic tests in the aspect of veterinary-court opinions.
  3. Traffic accidents involving animals – recreating the circumstances of road incidents.
  4. Veterinary protection of animals in terms of public health safety.
  5.  Veterinary legislation.



  1. Listos P., Gryzinska M., Kowalczyk M., 2015. Analysis of cases of forensic veterinary opinions produced in a research and teaching unit. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 36, 84-89.
  2. Listos P., Gryzińska M., Batkowska J., Dylewska M. 2018. Temperature reduction in internal soft tissues in relation to rectal temperature in dogs in the early post-mortem period. Veterinarski Arhiv 88 (2), 225-234.
  3. Listos P., Gryzinska M., Batkowska J., Dylewska M., Jakubczak A., 2018. Algorithm for establishing the time of death of a dog based on temperature measurements in selected sites of the body during the early post-mortem period. Forensic Science International 289 (2018), 124-129.