Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy

 The main directions of research carried out at the Department are:

  1. water, sewage and energy management;
  2. water management and shaping of water resources;
  3. geodesy and cartography.

Scientific activity within the framework of water and sewage and energy management includes: research and implementation of various technological solutions for household and collective wastewater treatment plants, especially hybrid wetlands systems; sludge dewatering and disposal systems; P-filters for phosphorus removal from water and wastewater; quality of surface and groundwater; energetic use of plants from wetlands sewage treatment plants; potential of individual renewable energy sources on a regional basis; location of agricultural biogas plants; assessment of substrate resources and their biogas efficiency; analysis of the possibilities of managing digestate from agricultural biogas plants; evaluation of energy parameters of various biomass types; energy crop cultivation recommendations.

Scientific activity in the field of water management and shaping of water resources includes research on: intensity of water erosion; techniques and effectiveness of protection against erosion; shaping small retention, rainwater management systems; development of degraded river valleys.

Scientific activity in the field of geodesy and cartography includes research in the field of: monitoring of contemporary geomorphological processes using geodetic methods (photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning, GNSS); fragmentation and land use structure change analyses; analysis of spatial differentiation of real estate prices; organizational, economic and natural effects of consolidation; use of cartographic sources in research on environmental changes; use and analysis of maps and mental sketches; technical and legal analyses of real estate division and demarcation; practical use of mathematical statistics elements to research the real estate market.

In recent years, the employees of the Department have completed several research projects and several research and implementation topics in the field of water and sewage management and eco-energy commissioned by local government units, enterprises and various public institutions. In 2015-2016, the Department carried out a research project of the National Center for Research and Development No. HKP/PB-IS/11/Z entitled “Construction of the Polesie biogas network based on the model of social participation of residents” (PolBioNet), and in 2017, the employees of the Department participated in the international project AT GUT 032388 entitled “Assessment of Biogas Production Risks in the Baltic Sea Region from the Perspective of Management of Nutrient Matter” (ToR Biogas) financed by the John Nurminen Foundation. In turn, in the years 2018-2019, the Department implemented a project financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the field of science dissemination activity No. 783/P-DUN/2018 (2018-2019) entitled “Organization of the 1st International Scientific Conference ‘Ecological and Environmental Engineering’, Kraków, June 26-29, 2018”, while in the years 2019-2020, as part of the Academic International Partnerships program, the project No. PPI/APM/2018/1/00012/U/001, financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) entitled “Organization of the IX International Scientific and Technical Conference entitled ‘Environmental Engineering, Photogrammetry, Geoinformatics – Modern Technologies and Development Perspectives’ ”, September 17-20, 2019 Lublin, Poland”.