The action provides NAWA scholarships for the best foreign PhD students recruited to Doctoral School of ULS in 2024. The scholarship is expected to be paid to three PhD students for two years of education (72 person-months in total). The scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis in accordance with the recruitment regulations of Doctoral School of ULS. The criteria for awarding the scholarship will include the assessment of the interview in English, scientific achievements with the description of planned research scope.
Działanie przewiduje wypłatę stypendiów Agencji dla najlepszych doktorantów z zagranicy rekrutujących się do Szkoły Doktorskiej UPL w roku 2024. Wypłatę stypendium przewiduje się dla 3 doktorantów na dwa lata kształcenia (w sumie 72 osobomiesiące). Stypendium będzie przyznawane na zasadzie konkursu zgodnie z regulaminem rekrutacji obowiązującym w Szkole Doktorskiej UPL. Kryteria przyznania stypendium obejmować będą ocenę: rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej w języku angielskim, osiągnięć naukowych wraz z opisem planowanych badań.
Candidates who can apply to the Doctoral School of ULS under the project NAWA STER are:
Do Szkoły Doktorskiej UPL w ramach projektu STER NAWA mogą aplikować:
The Doctoral School of the ULS offers education in seven academic disciplines:
Interdisciplinary and specialised education – a doctoral degree with a future
PhD studies are conducted at the general academic, multidisciplinary Doctoral School. We offer a unique combination of interdisciplinarity and an advanced specialised curriculum. The Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin provides a joint course of study to all PhD students and a specialised programme for individual fields and disciplines. The uniform degree programme promotes the integration of the academic community, exchange of scientific experience and interdisciplinary perception of research problems. The added value of joint education is the open formula that allows PhD students constant scientific development and it enables the evolution of the Doctoral School according to the changing educational needs of the students of consecutive years.
The path of specialised education for doctoral students is undertaken in collaboration with PhD thesis supervisors and the purpose of it is to implement individual research plans in Institutes and Departments, as well as to enable doctoral students to participate in seminars and professional traineeship. The specialised educational programme allows students to take part in various types of domestic and international courses, research internships and vocational training.
PhD student of ULS:
In the aim to improve the quality of education and research conducted by PhD students, Doctoral School of ULS:
If you want to become the scholarship holder under the project STER NAWA:
Good luck!
For Step by step admission guidance see:
Regulation No. nr 13/2024 of 12 February 2024 has determined the limit of admissions to the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in the academic year 2024/2025 and the schedule of the admission procedure to the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in the academic year 2024/2025
In the academic year 2024/2025, the limit of admissions to program NAWA STER, project „Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)” is 3 students.
W związku z nieuzyskaniem wizy Pan Saurav Raj Singh w dniu 10 grudnia 2024 r. złożył rezygnację z kształcenia w Szkole Doktorskiej UPL. W związku z rezygnacją kandydata i zwolnieniem miejsca w ramach stypendium STER, w grudniu 2024 r. na liście rankingowej znalazł się kolejny kandydat rozpoczął formalną procedurę zezwalającą na wjazd na terytorium RP.
Due to the failure to obtain a visa, Mr. Saurav Raj Singh resigned from his studies on December 10, 2024. Due to the candidate’s resignation and the vacancy of a place under the STER scholarship, in December 2024, another candidate from the ranking list began the formal procedure allowing entry to the territory of the Republic of Poland.
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