We are pleased to inform that on October 4 and 5, 2021,  the University of Life Sciences in Lublin organized INTERNATIONAL WELCOME DAYS intended for foreign students – starting full time master’s studies, students taking part in the ERASMUS Plus programme, students from Poland and employees of the ULSL.

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The participants attended organizational meetings to get familiar with the Study Regulations, the organizational structure of the university, student rights and obligations. The meetings were led by International Exchange Office (ERASMUS Plus Programme Team) and the Admissions and Education Promotion Office.

Then, the participants went for a walk around the main ULSL campus to learn in which buildings  their classes will be held. Foreign students of Veterinary Medicine were given the chance to get to know  Collegium Veterinarium in detail, the place where they will spend most of their time during the first year of study. After the walk, there was some time for hot tea and snacks, exchanging their first impressions after arriving in Lublin and the ULSL and establishing new contacts.

The integration meeting was followed by an evening  event that took place in the Old Town where students got to know each other better.

On October 5, the participants of International Welcome Days had the opportunity to learn about our regional cuisine and prepare the first onion flat bread (regional product) on their own at the Regional Museum of Onion Pie at Szewska Street.

The International Welcome Days were co-organized by Anna Jeżak-Zgórka, PhD as part of the Welcome to Poland project financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – “Let ME know YOU – Welcome to ULSL”, International Exchange Office (ERASMUS Plus Programme Team) and veterinary medicine students: Agnieszka Klisz (4th year), Karol Opiła (4th year), Karina Skrzypoń (2nd year), Karol Pachciński (2nd year).