XIII Science Festival in Lublin - “Science - a source of inspiration”
EUA Statement condemning the forced resignation of 1577 university deans
ULSL honored with „Good University - Good Work" certificate
Registration for the certified TELC Examination in: English, German, Russian
Information meetings for foreigners in Lublin
Professor Zygmunt Litwińczuk elected ULSL Rector for 2016-2020 term of office
Easter 2016
Invitation to the cycle of lectures "Open Seminar"
Polish language classes
"Jawor" at the Cheonan World Dance Festival in South Korea
Specialised English language course
The first outer green wall in Lublin
13 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin
VATIN 712 010 37 75
REGON no. 000001896
ePUAP: /UP-Lublin/SkrytkaESP
Google Maps