Anna Krajewska and Robert Waraczewski visited the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) in Budapest from 7th to 10th June 2023.

liczna grupa uczestników projektu pozuje do zdjęcia w sali konferencyjnej

The main objective of the training, conducted as part of the “Food Quality in Digital Age” project, under the guidance of MATE, was to familiarize the participants with non-invasive analytical methods used for food quality assessment, with a particular focus on NIR spectroscopy.

uczestnicy projektu pozują do zdjęcia w laboratorium

The doctoral students were tasked with utilizing this technique for detecting adulteration in cocoa powder and chocolate. Prior to the practical training, an online preparatory session introduced the participants to the concept of collaboration and project thinking, enhancing their skills in these areas.

uczestnicy projektu siedzą przy stole

The effective laboratory work conducted during the visit resulted in successful presentations by the doctoral students during a special networking session held during the BiosysFoodEng 2023 conference. This meeting provided an excellent opportunity for knowledge exchange and establishing professional contacts in the field of food science.

zbliżenie na szklane naczynia laboratoryjne wypełnione różnymi rodzajami kakaouczestnicy projektu w białych fartuchach w hali produkcyjnej

In addition to the training, the participants also had the opportunity to visit local food processing companies. These visits included facilities specializing in egg and meat processing. The participants had the chance to observe the application of digital solutions in food production processes. This practical exposure enriched the doctoral students with a broader perspective on the use of technology in the food industry and enhanced their educational experience during the visit.

doktorantka prezentuje wykład w sali konferencyjnej

During the study visit, the doctoral students also had the opportunity to explore various historical landmarks and tourist attractions. They visited the picturesque Royal Castle, Gellert Hill, and the Parliament building, adding unforgettable experiences to their personal journey during the visit.

dwójka doktorantów pozuje do zdjęcia na tle historycznego budynku w Budapeszcie