Partnerships for cooperation and Innovation


University of Life Sciences in Lublin as an Eche Charter holder for 2021-2027  has been granted permission  to come into cooperation with other universities under Erasmus Key Action 2 – Cooperation among organisations and institutions to implement:

– Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices

– Partnerships for Innovation


Within Partnerships for Cooperation there are two types of partnerships offered to organisations:

  • Cooperation Partnerships
  • Small-scale Partnerships

The aim of Key Action 2 partnerships is to achieve the objectives of the European Education Area, thus  to support the higher education sector in becoming even more inter-connected, innovative, inclusive and digital.

Sector specific priorities are:

  • Promoting inter-connected higher education systems
  • Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices
  • Developing STEM/STEAM in higher education, in particular women participation in STEM
  • Rewarding excellence in learning, teaching and skills development
  • Building inclusive higher education systems
  • Supporting digital capabilities of the higher education sector


Alliances for Innovation aim at strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity by increasing innovation through cooperation and expertise exchange among higher education, vocational education and training (both initial and continuous), and the broader socio-economic environment, including research.


These two types of partnerships are presented in detail in [Eramus Programme Guide for 2021]