
No. Task Year Nabór/Calls
1. Scholarships for foreign PhD students / Stypendia
dla doktorantów z zagranicy
2024 October
2. Foreign scholarships for PhD students
of ULS Doctoral School / Staże zagraniczne
dla doktorantów SD UPL
2024 May
2025 March
2026 March
3. Promotional mobility / Wyjazdy  promocyjne  2024 summer and winter semester
2025 summer and winter semester
2026 summer and winter semester
4. “School of Excellence”: Guest lectures
at ULS Doctoral School / „Szkoła mistrzów”
2024 March
2025 March
2026 March
5. Mobility of academic staff / Mobilność kadry dydaktycznej 2024 on-going
2025 on-going
2026 on-going
6. On-line meetings with potential candidates for
foreign supervisors and PhD students /
Spotkania on-line z kandydatami na doktorantów
i promotorów z zagranicy
2024 summer semester
2025 summer semester
2026 summer semester
7. International workshops / Warsztaty międzynarodowe  2024 April
2025 April
2026 April