We invite you to the integration workshop “Let ME know YOU”, which will take place on Friday, November 26, 2021, from 9:00 to 12:00 in room 1 at AGRO II, Akademicka 15 St.

The “Let ME know YOU” workshop is a series of 10 international meetings aimed at eliminating cultural prejudices related to stereotypes, integrating the academic community through better understanding of the countries of origin of students, research, teaching and administrative staff of UPL and their cultures

For whom?:

The workshops are aimed at both current and future UPL students who study in Polish or English, current and future Polish UPL students who study in Polish and attend classes in groups with foreigners, as well as academic staff and administrative employees from abroad, and current employees of UPL who conduct classes with foreign students in English and Polish, which are attended by foreigners, and in their daily work provide services to research and teaching staff and foreign students.


The aim of the workshops is to involve all participants of the meeting. These will be social integration exercises conducted by a psychologist, which will help to integrate the group, and creative exercises, during which the participants, by creating simple everyday objects referring to the culture of a given country (eg traditional objects, decorations), will get to know different nationalities in a “tangible” way. Working in groups will be an opportunity to build positive relationships through getting to know each other and exchanging information about their countries of origin.

How to sign up?:

The workshops are open to students of all fields of study, from each year, doctoral students as well as administrative staff and academic teachers. Application for the workshop, i.e. a completed application form (on a computer), should be sent to the following e-mail address: by November 25, 2021.

 See You!

Projekt „Instytucjonalne wsparcie UPL w obszarze umiędzynarodowienia poprzez niwelowanie barier komunikacyjnych w wielokulturowym środowisku akademickim “Let ME know YOU – Welcome to ULSL”, realizowany w ramach programu „Welcome to Poland”, umowa nr PPI/WTP/2019/1/00047/U/00001 z dnia 19.11.2019 r., finansowany ze środków Narodowej Agencji Wymiany Akademickiej – ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój, projekt pozakonkursowy pn. Podniesienie kompetencji kadry akademickiej i potencjału uczelni w przyjmowaniu osób z zagranicy – Welcome to Poland realizowany w ramach Działania określonego we wniosku o dofinansowanie projektu nr. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.