Success of ULSL staff in the international Biodiversa call for proposals

We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Barbara Sowińska-Swierkosz, Ph.D., from the Department of Hydrobiology and Ecosystem Protection in the Faculty of  Environmental Biology, will be implementing a project entitled “NatureScape – Enhancing Urban Sustainability for Environmental Quality and Human Well-being through Nature-Based Solutions Transformation Labs” in an international partnership as a team leader from ULSL. The project was received under the Biodiversa+ competition (2023 – 2024 BiodivNBS – Biodiversa +). The funding institution for the Polish team is NCN.

In addition to the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, the project consortium includes:

  1. the Climate and Environmental Research Institute NILU, Norway – coordinator
  2. Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
  3. University College Dublin, National University Of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
  4. Lisboa E-Nova – Agência de Energia e Ambiente de Lisboa, Portugal
  5. Nodibinajums Baltic Studies Centre, Latvia
  6. Politecnico di Milano, Italy

The project aims to create so-called “Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Transformation Labs (T-Labs),” acting as participatory centers where different stakeholder groups work together to improve NBS solutions. These labs are effective tools for engaging local communities and decision-makers through the use of citizen science methods and spatial platforms. The study area in Poland will be the rain gardens of Lublin.

In addition to Associate Professor Barbara Sowińska-Swierkosz, Ph.D., the project team includes Malwina Michalik-Snieżek, Ph.D., and Szymon Chmielewski, Ph.D., from the Department of Meadows and Landscaping at the Faculty of Agrobioengineering. The project also provides for the employment of a doctoral student and a student.

Duration of the project 01.04.2025 – 01.04.2028.
The total amount of the project is: 1 669 373 €       
The amount of funding for the team from UPL is 251,525 € / 1,200,480 PLN

More information about the Biodiversa programme.