We are pleased to announce that Barbara Sowińska-Swierkosz, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor from the Department of Hydrobiology and Ecosystem Protection in the Faculty of Environmental Biology, became a member of the COST Action CA2313: „Large-scale Interdisciplinary Alliance on Nature-based SoLutions and Health: Indicators, InequalitY and Innovation (LILY)”.
LILY focuses on the impact of Nature-based solutions (NBS) on human health. The project aims to:
Activities financed under COST Action LILY include networking and training, including participation of research team members in working meetings, workshops, summer schools, internships abroad and conferences.
Action leader: Heidelberg University, Germany.
Partners: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Suomija, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, North Macedonia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.
Start date – 21/10/2024
End date – 20/10/2028
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