Our University representative in COST LILY Action!

We are pleased to announce that Barbara Sowińska-Swierkosz, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor from the Department of Hydrobiology and Ecosystem Protection in the Faculty of  Environmental Biology, became a member of the COST Action CA2313: „Large-scale Interdisciplinary Alliance on Nature-based SoLutions and Health: Indicators, InequalitY and Innovation (LILY)”.

LILY focuses on the impact of Nature-based solutions (NBS) on human health. The project aims to:

  • develop a comprehensive framework for the analysis of the impact of NBS on human health,
  • develop NBS-Health indicators,
  • develop best practice guidelines for spatial-temporal NBS-Health indicators that take into account social inequalities,
  • monitor the impact of NBS on human health,
  • develop an online platform for efficient sharing of information.

Activities financed under COST Action LILY include networking and training, including participation of research team members in working meetings, workshops, summer schools, internships abroad and conferences.


Action leader: Heidelberg University, Germany.

Partners: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Suomija, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Israel, Italy, North Macedonia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.

Start date – 21/10/2024
End date – 20/10/2028

Project website.