Meeting with Scientists from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Industry Partners

On Thursday, February 6, 2025, a meeting was held at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin with representatives from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and industry partners. The event aimed to discuss opportunities for scientific collaboration and joint projects in the fields of precision mechanics and mechatronic systems, air purification technologies, energy systems based on biofuels and hydrogen, as well as drone research.

zaproszeni goście pozują do zdjęcia z prof. Sołowiejem, Iwoną Niezgodą, Marleną Wosiak, prof. Zbiegniewiem Krzysiakiem i Dr Waldemarem Samociukiem

Participants of the meeting included:

International guests:

  • Professor Dr. Artūras Kilikevičius – Director and Chief Researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Science, Faculty of Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonas Matijošius – Head of Labs and Chief Researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Science, Faculty of Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku Kale – Chief Researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Science, Faculty of Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
  • Giedrius Šernas – Biopower Industries, industry partner.

zaproszeni goście siedzą przy stole

National guests:

  • Mgr inż. Mariusz Gołacki – CEO of DMG Sp. z o.o. Biogazownia Rolnicza.
  • Mgr inż. Marek Siuciak – Broker, Lublin Agricultural Advisory Center in Końskowola.

Prof. Sołowiej wygłasza prezentację; przy stole siedzą zaproszeni goście oraz prof. Krzysiak

Representatives of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin:

  • Prof. dr hab. Bartosz Sołowiej – Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation.
  • Dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Krzysiak – Faculty of Production Engineering.
  • Dr inż. Waldemar Samociuk – Faculty of Production Engineering.
  • Mgr inż. Iwona Niezgoda – Director of the Technology Transfer Center.
  • Mgr Marlena Wosiak – Coordinator of the International Projects Office.

Prof. Sołowiej w trakcie wygłaszania prezentacji

The meeting took place in the collegial hall at the Rector’s Office of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Participants emphasized the need to strengthen international scientific cooperation, which may lead to the development of innovative projects and new technologies.

Prof. Sołowiej przekazuje prezent prof. Kilikevičiusowi; pozostali goście stoją za nimi i uśmiechają się

photos: Damian Bartnik / DRiP