The conference regarding Smart Food will take place on 15 November 2023 at the Lublin Conference Centre at 2 Grottgera Street in Lublin.
Smart food is food adapted to current and future trends in the area of health, food and nutrition, in line with the expectations of the market and consumers, throughout the entire cycle of the values of a circular economy.
Conference will be streamed online and translated simultaneously.
During the conference you will learn what new technologies and solutions are currently being worked on by agricultural, food and nutrition entities, which ones are already implemented or are being implemented, in which institutions you should look for expert support, where and in which laboratories you can evaluate and test innovative solutions, where to look for partnerships for the implementation of your projects, what advisory and financial assistance you can get and who provides it and what role individual institutions within the innovation ecosystem play in the process of designing and implementing new solutions.
Conference organised in cooperation with the Marshall of the Lublin Voivodeship Office dedicated to advanced technologies, including IT technologies, in the field of food design and production that are part of the European Green Deal trend – from farm to fork, taking into account a circular economy approach, environmental sustainability and the efficient use of resources.
Other co-organisors are: University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Medical University of Lublin, and substantive partners – universities and research institutes that are members of the Cluster.
Information and registration form available HERE.
13 Akademicka Street, 20-950 Lublin
VATIN 712 010 37 75
REGON no. 000001896
ePUAP: /UP-Lublin/SkrytkaESP