Julia Wójcik-Madej, M.Sc.
3rd year of training at the Doctoral School
Discipline: Environmental engineering, mining and power engineering

From 31 January to 7 March 2024, I held a series of meetings at the Lublin City Hall as part of the implementation of Agreement No. 54/WSP/22 of 26 July 2022. This internship allowed me to broaden the scope of research material for my doctoral thesis, which I am preparing, entitled. ‘Determining the optimal location of nature-based solutions (ROZP) on the example of the city of Lublin’.

During my internship, I discussed issues related to the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, the status of implementation and the effectiveness of green and blue infrastructure in Lublin with staff from various departments. I also analysed available spatial data and guidelines for its use in the QGIS programme. I obtained information on the inventory of ravines, protection of naturally valuable areas in planning documents, location of green roofs and procedures for implementing solutions based on natural resources requiring a notification or building permit.

The realisation of this internship contributed not only to the enrichment of my dissertation, but also to the deepening of cooperation between the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and the Lublin Municipality. Through the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovative solutions, we support the implementation of the Lublin 2030 Strategy.