Hedgehog areas at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Hedgehogs are useful animals often found in regions inhabited by humans. Their nocturnal lifestyle exposes them to many dangers, which is why the University of Life Sciences in Lublin is once again creating ‘hedgehog areas’.

Hedgehogs feed mainly on invertebrates: insects, earthworms and snails. This makes them useful creatures for humans. It is therefore worth taking care of their welfare. At the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, ‘hedgehog areas’ have once again been created in which raked leaves will not be disposed of, but formed into mounds in which hedgehogs can safely sleep during the day and move about at night.

You are encouraged to create similar mounds within your plots with spiny mammals in mind. In addition, during periods of drought, shallow water drinkers can be placed on the ground for thirsty animals to use at night. Additional food for hedgehogs can include berries, acorns, beechnuts, mushrooms and fallen, ripe fruit.

phot. Maciej Niedziółka /Admissions and Promotion Department