Anna Ziarkowska, Msc
PhD Supervisor: Izabela Jośko Ph.D., Associate Professor
Discipline: Agriculture and horticulture


“Chemical and biological transformations of metal-based nanoparticles and their role in the transmission of emerging contaminants from soil to human diet”.

The project is funded by the National Science Centre in the frame of the “OPUS-22” program – no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/02857

Description and Objectives:

The rapid advancement of the nano-products market and their extensive applications have led to the proliferation of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in environmental settings, particularly in soils. Within the soil ecosystem, inorganic ENPs undergo intricate chemical and biological transformations, which modify their physicochemical properties and consequently influence their behavior. These alterations in ENP properties due to various transformations may affect their interactions with other pollutants, such as antibiotics. The coexistence of inorganic ENPs and antibiotics in soils presents a potential threat by heightening selective pressure and fostering the presence of antibiotic resistance genes. Current understanding in this domain remains incomplete, with prior studies focusing primarily on unaltered ENPs. Therefore, the principal aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of transformations in inorganic ENPs on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in soil, as well as the risk of their transfer from soil into the human diet. This research will involve chemical analyses of soils and plants to evaluate the bioavailability and accumulation of metallic elements constituting ENPs. Additionally, metagenomic analyses of soils and the plant phyllosphere will be undertaken to investigate the presence of antibiotic resistance genes. The anticipated research outcomes will address critical questions regarding the environmental implications associated with the dissemination of emerging contaminants (ENPs, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes) in the environment. Given the essential role of soil in ecosystem functionality and its significance for food production, this research will offer valuable insights for formulating strategies aimed at safeguarding soil and human health.