On June 7-9, 2024, a meeting was held in Wisla, Poland, to summarize the project “Key long-term interactions for the development of an innovative, ecological approach in the production of biostimulants.”

uczestnicy spotkania pozują do zdjęcia w sali konferencyjnej

The meeting was attended by 12 people involved in the project from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. During the meeting, the research results obtained and the results achieved were discussed in detail.

uczestnicy spotkania siedzą przy stole konferencyjnym uczestnicy spotkania siedzą przy stole konferencyjnym

Study visits (to the University del Salvador in Buenos Aires (Argentina), to the Plant Phenomics Center of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin; to Greenland Technologia EM sp. z o.o.) and the summer school “The biostimulants and other modern solutions for the sustainable development of agriculture” and the winter school “The potential of cold plasma for the sustainable development of agriculture” were summarized.

uczestnicy spotkania siedzą przy stole konferencyjnym; z a nimi na ekranie ściennym wyświetlona jest prezentacja

The proceedings and results of the international conference “Sustainable Agriculture – New Strategies for Increasing Growth and Development of Crops” were discussed in both organizational and scientific aspects, as well as the development of cooperation among its participants.

trójka uczestników spotkania siedzi przy stole konferencyjnym i dyskutuje

In their free time, the participants of the meeting, taking advantage of the beautiful weather, went on a hiking trail to Barania Góra.

uczestnicy spotkania na leśnym szlaku