Coronavirus – functioning of the Univeristy [UPDATE!]

Dear Students,


  1. On the basis of the ordinance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) all classes are suspended until May 24, 2020. The situation might change and the period of suspension might be extended. The University acts in accordance to the ordinances and recommendations of MSHE and Ministry of Health.
  2. On the basis of Rector’s ordinance (March 18, 2020) classes are to be undertaken on-line.
  3. As of now MSHE does not plan on extending the length of academic year. However, this might change so be on the lookout for any new information on this matter.
  4. The validity of student and doctoral cards has been extended by a separate ordinance of the MSHE until May 31, 2020.
  5. If you need to contact the University please do it vie e-mail or telephone.
  6. Foreign and domestic trips of employees, PhD students and ULSL students are suspended. Foreign guests are not allowed to come to the University.
  7. All conferences, events and events organized at the University are cancelled until April 15, 2020.
  8. The Main Library, Conference Centre, Sports and Recreation Centre are closed until further notice. You can still use electronic library resources.
  9. People who are not residents of a particular Student Dorm are NOT to be granted entrance. New residents mustn’t be accommodated.


(updated on April 24, 2020)