The 1st International Conference ‘Dermatology of Horses’
On March 9-10, 2018 the 1st International Conference ‘ Dermatology of Horses ‘ was held at the Innovative Centre of Animal Pathology and Therapy of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.
The Conference, aimed at veterinary surgeons, was organised by the Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Veterinary Dermatology and the Department of Internal Diseases of Farm Animals and Horses of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.
The lectures were delivered by recognised specialists from the United States of America, Great Britain and Poland. They were both very intensive and practical and were attended by over 100 veterinary surgeons and students from all over the country.
Professor Stephen White from the University of Davies in California talked about pruritic, transmissible, bacterial, congenital and autoimmune diseases.
Professor Derek Knottenbelt, as a specialist in hoof diseases and equine oncology, presented the speech on sarcoids and the dermatological approach to a hoof, considered as a skin growth.
The specialists from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin: dr Piotr Wilkołek and Beata Kaczmarek, veterinary surgeon, lectured on allergy tests and the healing of wounds with excessive granulation, which are issues of great clinical importance in the daily work of veterinary surgeons.