The concept of education of the Animal Welfare Management programme studies falls within thefield of agricultural sciences in the discipline of animal science and fisheries. The studies are general academic type and are conducted in full-time in English. Lectures and auditorium exercises may be delivered using distance learning methods and techniques. This is due, among other things, to the fact that part of the teaching hours of individual modules will be carried out by specialists – practitioners – representatives of various socio-economic environments.
The main strategic goals of University include: ‘the systematic improvement of the quality and efficiency of education through the concentration of research and implementation potential, the training of personnel, the development and expansion of the educational offer in relation to the needs of the economy and administration, the development of cooperation with foreign centres’. The opening of the Animal Welfare Management first-cycle programme at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin will make possible to fill the gap in the offer of foreign universities, as no university in Eastern Europe has so far offered such a study programme.
The mission of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin consists of four basic tasks. These are:
1. Ensuring the highest quality of education;
2. Strengthening the scientific and research position of
the University;
3.Running a university that is open to cooperation;
4. Running the University as an
effectively managed unit of the public finance sector.
In the context of these provisions, the mission 2/3 of the Faculty of Animal Sciences and Bioeconomy of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin is to educate students in accordance with the requirements of national and European standards, to conduct scientific research in accordance with the needs of the economy and to conduct comprehensive activities for the development of highly qualified scientific and professional staff.
Taking the above into account, educating students in the field of the Animal Welfare Management is fully consistent with the strategy of both the Faculty and the entire University of Life Sciences in Lublin.
The Faculty maintains close cooperation with stakeholders who, among others, support and influence the updating and improvement of the concept of the practical aspect of education of Animal Welfare Management studies. On this basis, the learning objectives and the profile of a graduate possessing the knowledge, skills and social competences necessary for independent business activity in the field of breeding and rearing of livestock, companion and non-domestic animals, taking into account the conditions of their proper maintenance and welfare, fully prepared to take up employment in this sector of the economy on managerial positions, as well as in consultancy firms, have been defined. The Animal Welfare Management study programme includes courses related to the scientific activities conducted at the university in the disciplines of Animal Science and Fisheries. External and internal stakeholders participate in the process of improving the concept of education in this field, the prospects for its development as well as define the goals and learning outcomes.
The educational concept of the Animal Welfare Management study programme is a response to changes in the area of breeding, maintenance and use of livestock, companion and non-domestic animals.
The graduate of engineering studies is prepared to work with animals based on an in-depth knowledge of the behaviour of different animal species. The graduate’s qualifications enable him/her to undertake work in a variety of animal husbandry, breeding and maintenance entities e.g. breeding farms, animal rehabilitation centres, zoos and shelters, in services supervising and inspecting animal keepers, in entities providing broadly understood animal care and maintenance, as well as carrying out activities in the field of behavioural counselling, selection of companion animals, modification of undesirable behaviours, management of wild and protected populations
and conducting educational classes with animals. The graduate is also prepared for an advisory role in the animal husbandry sector, national and international animal welfare organisations and national and international research institutions. The graduate is prepared to undertake second cycle programme in related fields.
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